People are the tools of the Devil. Only not the useful ones, they're the stupid ones like the grape-deseeder and the melon pitter thing that no one uses, and they eventually just sink to the bottom on kitchenware drawer.
Takashi Miike, Mike Ness, Robert Rodriguez, and Bruce Campbell, and Brian Setzer..." 153_m.jpg"
Mike Ness, Social Distortion, Shooter Jennings, The Dresden Dolls, The Donnas, The Distillers, Cake and the Clash, (like always,) and many other bands near the beginning of the alphabet.Rock-a-billy, Punk rawk, early-mid '90's alternative (think the MALLRATS' soundtrack,) and the Ratpack. Oh, and Kylie Minogue, and some swing (the dirty kind, with references to guys with diamond earings and shark skin suits.)Did I mention Rock-a-billy?
Naked Lunch and Videodrome (and everything else from David Cronenberg,) Saturday Night Fever, and every John Hughes movie, especially Sixteen Candles.Dead or Alive 2, Spiderman 2, Blade 2, Gen X Cops, Mallrats, and Lost in Translation just to name a few. Also, City of Lost Children is unbelievably amazing; c'mon, brain in a box!
Daria, Clarissa Explains it All, MST3K, Home Movies, Space Ghost: C2C, Dr. Katz, Pete & Pete, and Kim Possible. Fuck you, it's good.What Not to Wear and Mythbusters rock the boat, too.
Chun Sue rocks, Anything by Neil Gaiman, particularly 'Neverwhere,' everything by Steve Martin, 'Out' by Natsuo Kirino, and anything 'Get Fuzzy' by Darby Conley.
Same as the people I'd like to meet, plus a lot of people that don't exist.