I would rather hang out in a bookstore than a bar, but I do like the occassional bar night where I tend to get a little tipsy, and pretty friendly.
I'm nerdy. I'm serious. I love to laugh at really cheesy movies, and a lot of other things people really shouldn't laugh at. I love bawdy humor, the sicker and darker, the better.
I'm one of those people that requires my layers to be excavated before I'll allow anyone to get close.
I like strange, weird, interesting people.
I am bisexual, but not the kind you think. I've known I like girls since I was 9 years old. My first kiss was with a girl. I meet people based on personality and compatibility, not gender. Regardless of the gender of the person I am with, I am faithful and honest. I don't kiss girls at parties because men find it arousing. I have a genuine love and respect for women, and can see myself spending my life with a woman just as easily as with a man.blog images
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I'd like to be the jelly on THIS sandwich!
Drrr...he renders me breathless...
Ville Valo is Finnish Love.
Dani Filth Is Bloody Love.
Can I be the Jill to your Jack?
Lestat Is Vampiric Rock Star Love.
Brett Anderson Is Inspirational Love.
Eddie Vedder Is Nostalgic Love.
Ryan Ross is Blue Glittery Love.
Frank Iero is Bullet-Proof Love.
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