Paul profile picture


You are who you are and I wouldn't want to change a thing in spite of the pain love can bring

About Me

Well I currently work at a bar as a bartender and I am going to schhool full time. Working on my masters degree in socialogy. Between work in school full time I am always busy. Hope fully soon I will be graduating and then life will be a little less hectic. Not exactly sure what I am going to do once I am finished but I am sure that God has a plan for me. What ever I wind up doing it will be fun.

My Interests

Suba Diving, Swimming, Travelling, going to the movies and hanging out with friends.

I'd like to meet:

Hot Premade Layouts - Music Bands - Animals - Movies I edited my profile at . check out these Myspace Layouts!


Madonna, Britney Spears, Dixie Chicks, Dolly Parton, Faith Hill, Johnny Cash, Nelly Furtodo, and Recless Kelly


Crash, Hotel Rhwanda, V for Vindetta, Chocalate, and Great Expectations


Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Desperate Housewives, and CSI


Harry Potter, Night, She Come Undone, This Much I Know to be True, Do not really get a lot of time to read for fun between school and work.


My Mother worked hard her entire life to get us and herself to wear we are today. Modonna. Oprah.