i hear mexico is popular.tell that to the mexicans profile picture

i hear mexico is popular.tell that to the mexicans

Stop Being A Victim of Social Conditioning

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" title="all people" alt="all people" / CfnMoney/


.... ..Boxhead: More Rooms

see more boxhead at crazymonkeygames.com

Importants /////////

Age :: Twenty One
Body :: Five Ten
Status :: In A Relationship
Here for :: Friends / Networking
Orientation :: Women
Hometown :: Somewhere I Don't Want It To Be
Ethnicity :: WHITE
Occupation :: Zam driver, Hockey Instructor

Interests /////////

Music :: Thrice, Red Jumpsuit Apperatis, and 4 weeks more of straight music check out my MAC. FRICK THE RIAA
Books :: The ones my school gives me
Movies :: FRICK THE MPAA although i will watch Entourage all day
Design :: ??

Links /////////

LEET-MENTALITY :: Greatest website ever
5ThirtyOne :: Journal Design Eyecandy
UNEASYsilence :: Observing the unobserved
del.icio.us :: Sometimes I find the good stuff

:: View None


i see it this way. if you bust your ass for 45 seconds on the ice, you MIGHT get something good from it. if you go out there any fuck around you WONT get shit from itThis Place
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