| going out (Abby [Messkirch] - Cat [Ulm] - DDT [Lahr] - RoFa [Augsburg]) × reading × writing × listening to music × art × photography |
| CombiChrist × Samsas Traum × Jesus On Extasy × Sopor Aeternus × Feindflug × Suicide Commando × Covenant × :Wumpscut: × Funker Vogt × In Strict Confidence × VnV Nation × Nine Inch Nails × Die Form × Front 242 × Dive × Hocico × Amduscia × Laibach × Haus Arafna × KiEw × ASP × Weena Morloch × Skinny Puppy × [:SITD:] × Velvet Acid Christ × Kramm × Decoded Feedback × SoKo Friedhof × Agonoize × Panzer AG × Askii Disco × The Cruexshadows × The Birthday Massacre × Sonar × Soman × Rasthof Dachau × Genocide Organ × Stoerfunk × Mechanical Moth × Monolith × Asche × The Retrosic × Shnarph! × Esplendor Geometrico × Con-Dom × XoToX × Nina Hagen | Grendel × Stillste Stund × Klangstabil × Klaustrophobik × Jesus on Extasy | ...
| Saw I - III × Der Pianist × Schindlers Liste × Donnie Darko × The Ring × Fight Club × Arizona Dream × A Clockwork Orange × Blade × Hellraiser × American History X × The Green Mile × Interview with a Vampire × Arachnophobia × Matrix Trilogy × Armageddon × From Dusk Till Dawn × Pulp Fiction × Reservoir Dogs × Kill Bill Vol. I + II × Pirates of the Carribean I-III × Itchy the Killer × Requiem for a Dream × Mulholland Drive × Tim Burton's Corpse Bride & Nightmare before Christmas × LOTR | ...
pas du tout.
| Terry Pratchett - Diskworld (every book) × everything written by Michael Moore × Franz Kafka "Der Prozess" × Angel Sanctuary & Boys next Door × Petshop of Horrors |