BJ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Not a whole lot to tell, I was born in Chicago, IL & raised in Missouri. Got married the first time & moved to Kingman, AZ then returned back to Missouri. Got married the second time & ended up moving to Oklahoma & lived there for over 23 years. Then ended up coming back to Missouri. (I prefer living in Oklahoma!) I have 3 wonderful kids & 1 Awsome Grandson!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



I love all types of music. But, Country Music is my favorite.


Survivors of Violent Crimes who pick up the pieces of their shattered lives & put them back together then reach out to help other Victims' of Crime.

My Blog

Fairness to Victims of Crime

OK.... I'm really upset & have been all weekend! I find it hard to understand how the justice system can just turn their backs on Victims of Crime. Friday a Prosecuting Atty. dismissed charges ag...
Posted by BJ on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 02:11:00 PST