my name is sharon.my father was reading the bible and read, the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley and told my mom thats the name.Iwent to catholic school and the nuns were strict,so i had to be well=mannered and obey our parents and elders for they were the one who were the care-takers when the mom and dad were away...(working ).well ,i never give up learning because i continue to get my GED and went to bronx college from 95 to 97..its was hectic when your the bread-winner of two kids.i stop for yrs and went back to mercy college and finish my associate degree .I stay on for my bachelor,but got sick and stop.I HAVE NO REGRETS, i STILL FEEL PROUD OF GETTING where i was..my grades were a+ and B+ALL DOWN ON RECORDS AT MERCY.mY MIND IS ALWAY ON THE KIDS WHO HAVE ALL THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROGRESS IN LEARNING AND STAY IN SCHOOL. MY GRANDMA WOULD SAY IF SHE WAS ALIVE ( IT'S A GIFT OF WEALTH AND NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY).eVEN THOUGH SHE HAD LITTLE,SHE USE IT WISELY.MY FRIENDS KEEP ON DOING WHAT YOU DO BEST AND ALL WILL WELL...OUR LIVES SOMETIMES CHANGES IN DIFFERENT DIRECTION AND WE HAVE TO STAY STRONG AND FACE THAT OBSTACLE.my name is sharon.i've been living in NewYork for many yearsand i worked in the health field working with the blind, elderly and altizmers pts. I have two kids and 3 grandchildren. I love to travel and some of the places are Switzerland, France, London,the suburbs of England .Mexico, losAngeles. I have family and friends living there. This is just a little about me....Diversity is about who we are as individualswhat is seen and unseen*A peaceful mind generates power..I find beauty in ordinary things*The price of greatness is responsibility*=">