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Myke Hawke

About Me

PROFESSIONAL INFO: - Special Forces Captain & Teacher, Instructor, Counselor, Advisor & Director, www.specops.com - Media Consultant, works include: - MTV: Road Rules. FOX: Forever Eden. History Channel: Tactical to Practical. Discovery Channel: Health Cops. Discovery Channel: I shouldn't be alive, Escape from the Amazon, Science Of Survival (SOS). Channel 5 (UK): Britain's Worst- Boss. - Currently: History Channel (US & UK): Time Bomb. MTV, SKY Box Office: Dirty Sanchez, The Movie. BBC3: Castaway Exposed, Sundays, 7pm until June 2007 ITV: Jeremy Kyle's Academy, to air in JUNE/JULY Entertainment Channel (US & UK): Simple Life 5, JUNE/JULY - PERSONAL INFO:Myke has a great wife and 3 wonderful sons!:-)- Hawke is Greek & Chiricahua, (That's Native American, for ya'll who haven't heard the Texan accent...) He has a BS in Biology from NYU & MS in Psychology from UCA. Myke currently resides in London. He is still serving in the Military Reserves. He does many freelance projects for companies as a consultant/advisor, and likes to work with charities, causes and [email protected]

My Interests

Military, Survival, Fitness, Adventure, Language, Martial Arts, Writing, Learning, et al

I'd like to meet:

Great humans from the past, present and future.


All music of power and beauty


All movies that teach good things


The most powerful modern tool, if we learn to use it well and right.


Those that help now, and those with teachings that stand the test of time


Everyone who lives day to day, facing choices and making decisons to do something good for themself, others in and with their life. These are the real heroes of life.