I am a down ass juggalette living up pa for the moment but coming soon to your local town.... just playin but who knows!!!!!! i enjoy chilling with friends and doing wild crazy thing...
Are some down ass JUGGALOS AND JUGGALETTES!!! Myspace Codes
HIp HOp aNd RaP iS mY sHiT but I aM Startin TO gEt IntO sOmE tWiZiD, sOmE oLD mOTtoWn aND BLaZE shit. BuT mOSt oTher ShiT is WAck ANd laMe!!!!!!!
AnYthIng fuNny or SCary but You NO ACtiOn Is wHere itS aT!!!!!!! SCAR FACE BAby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tv SuX And iS fOr LamErs But HoW DO YOu Like sNuffEr tHe DruG sNIffen Lama???????????!!?!?!?!?