starwars, berserk, anything monty python, anything by matt stone and trey parker, lord of the rings
Hugh Laurie, kentaro miura, j.r.r.tolkein if he weren't dead, george lucas, nobuo uematsu, penn and teller
Tool, Misfits, Bob Marley, Nobuo Uematsu, Mozart, Johann Strauss
starwars, clerks, donnie darko, fight club, billy madison, waynes world, south park the movie, batman, batman returns, batman begins, the x-men trilogy, lord of the rings trilogy,
family guy, futurama, aqua teen hunger force, the boondocks, the venture brothers, the man show, full metal alchemist, cowboy bebop, trigun, monty python's flying circus ,south park, iron chef, penn and teller bullshit!, House, Heroes
star wars, lord of the rings,
kentaro miura, kevin smith, yoda, darwin , bruce campbell, Hugh laurie, Niel Boortz,