An unashamed dilettante. I play piano and sing and maybe even write a song now and then. I'm learning to work clay on the pottery wheel at the moment. I like riding horses, hiking, canoeing, biking, gardening, pets. I've been hot air ballooning multiple times but after that last crash into a swamp, I think I'm done with that. I've traveled a little; Paris and San Francisco are my favorite cities so far. I speak a smidge of French after one semester of it. After my degree is done I'll travel some more, for one thing I'd like to revisit France. Actually, there are a lot of things that I like to do or would like to try that I've had to put on hold for now.
Thinkers. Dreamers. Doers. Writers. Readers. Scientists. Artists. Musicians. Students. Explorers. Inventors. Also Beekeepers. ;)The dissatisfied. The non complacent. The frequently lucid. The always sane. The articulate.But, not necessarily here. I don't accept random friend requests from out of nowhere. At least sincerely message me first. If I think you're being sincere, maybe I'll respond. Clue: a form letter is a bad idea.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North
You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."
I love music, all music. Show me something new...or old but new to me. For the songs on my profile page here on myspace, I thought I'd go with a psychology theme since I'm studying psychology. Fortunately, that's crazy simple.¸.·..¯..·.¸><((((º> ..<.·..¯..·.
Favorite movies include: Vertigo, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Blues Brothers Movie, Out of Africa, Crash, The Illusionist, Chocolat, Iron Man
Just finished: "All the President's Men" by Woodstein. (Watergate was just the tip of the iceberg.) Before that: "Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell" by Susanna Clarke. Before that: "Phantoms in the Brain" by V.S. Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee. Before that: "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollen. Before that:"Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (say that 3x fast!). Before that:"People of the Lie" by M. Scott Peck. The best book I read last year was "West with the Night" by Beryl Markham, a surprise find in an outlet mall bookstore that sells old remainders for peanuts. It was astonishing how good it was and I'd never heard of it. I'd picked it up because Hemingway was quoted on the back cover, praising it in a letter to his editor. Hemingway doesn't praise other writers lightly. And I do like Hemingway. The Old Man and The Sea was awesome. Thanks for the tip, Mr. Hemingway.
I also like F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
Toni Morrison's Beloved.
Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way.
Anything by Malcolm Gladwell.
I just plain love to read. It's an addiction.
Gandhi, MLK, Mother Teresa, Marsha Linehan, Candace Pert, Julia Cameron, my sister-in-law Daria for her loving wisdom and kindness, all single parents who manage to stay sane and raise emotionally healthy kids.
And Paul Rusesabagina, who gave a very moving lecture at Marquette University that I attended with my son. He said something I hope I never forget, "Even the hardest heart has a soft spot..."