I'd like to meet:
my thoughts in another world
Sounds that make the mood swing in one direction or the other.
Leolo, The American Astronaut, two zeds and two noughts, The belly of an arcitect, wild at heart, blue velvet, mullholland drive, the grizzly man, the deer hunter, pulp fiction, the sweet hereafter, the straight story, dark horse, the deer hunter, Gummo, the chef, the thief, his wife and her lover, idiotene, vam og venneroed, lynch, barney, greenaway, tarantino, our daily bread, mellyclistmas mistel lawlence
twin peaks, riget, oz, dutch reality tv, david attenborough series, documentaries and talkshows with ordinary
Erlend Loe,Murakami,books about faces,fear of failure and categories
the man who bought a farm, george schappell, the old lady with ten dishwashingbrushes in her bathroom, the businessman that started to throw snow up into the air, cleaning wenche, ellinor, finn with horses