Interest? What Are You Thinking About. Take note that it's not a question - it's a statement. Everything that's F A S T, Hanging Out With Friends, Practically Wasting My Time, Sleeping, Being A Lazy BUM, My Quite Time Alone In The House, Musics Musics Musics, Meeting New And Interesting People, Viewing Other Ppl's Posted Image, Designs and Colour Blend, POOL!, Dancing!, TV, The self being of Captain Jack Sparrow, The self being of Doc Greg House, Rides with songs to sing along, Tips on cleaning and managing house made easier, Strip cartoon ZITS!, The Coffee Bean, BiGGRiFF ;)
anyone nice, and of course :)
I'm A Universal Listener *Cheers!* - I can list down bands like Third Eye Blind, Blue October, Foo Fighters, Groups like PCD, cause i like to see them move *LOL* Individuals like Alanis Morrisette rawks! And BiGGiE's RNB Collection, Flute Instrumentals
Anything goes! I prefer funny movies. Even better watching with someone you can actually cuddle with (Dont we all just think about the same thing?) Movies with no sense of humour n interesting twists bores me
HOUSE and MY WIFE AND KIDS is a MUST. According To Jim, Yes Dear, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, The Simpsons! Basicly all those sitcoms on StarWorld. I usually watch stuffs on AXN. I like the Crime Scene thingy on Discovery Channel. Those are real life CSIs. HOUSE IS HILARIOUS! Oh! n gotta love the sitcoms on Starworld. They're hillarious. I Think Greg House Is Sexy! Brutally Honest!
I Read OnLine Most Of The Times. I Like Reading House m.d transcripts online. I Like Cleo And Reader's Digest. That's About It. Anything Goes When I'm Bored.