|zru| profile picture


he can see things before his eyes

About Me


unpredictable, ambitious, high self esteem n confident. i enjoy myself with loud musics, fascinated by fast objects and beautiful girls. fast pacer. being serious n makes non-practical lame jokes kept me away from pesky. physically unattractive due to the facts im poyo. its kinda bad tht i didnt have enemies to put my robust evil heart into resilient. a sarcastic one. very observant. well-mannered, faithful, religious n loyal (well to most ppl, yeh). a non-outgoing person but punctual.

phone? how do i use my phone? ermmm ... im not the one who used to call ppl just to say hi ... but hey! i enjoyed pressing *122... do u?

Y! [email protected]

My Homepage , My FotoPages , My Albums and My Multiply

this is what i'm wearing

My Interests

teratodotcom , cars, motorsports, Liverpool FC , go-karting , thinking, browsing, wandering, electronics, digital photography , video editing, musics, ummul kitab, running, jogging , cycling, camping

I'd like to meet:


Richard Parry-Jones: the chassis guru RPJ is probably the most influential ride and handling guru in the world.


Heavy Metal, Rock, R&B, Modern Rock, Alternative & Instrumental especially

Celine Dion
Kenny G
Avril Lavigne
Goo Goo Dolls


Star Wars Hexology
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Matrix Trilogy
The Last Samurai
The Rock
Gone in 60 Seconds
A Walk to Remember
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Exorcist (1973)
Italian Job (2003)
The Bourne Supremacy
Shark Tale
Ocean's 12



Life as We Know It
Top Gear
Initial D
Kim Possible


Kimi Raikkonen (Finland)
McLaren Mercedes F1

My Blog

fuhh! :P

sape aa nak kasik aku digital slr camera yg mcm kat bawah ni :Phttp://www.dpreview.com/news/0411/04110201canon_rebelblack us.asp...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My PC : Upgradie *DIE DIE DIE*

supposenye tak mau cerita ape2, but then it'll be better to share la kan? sharing is caring maaa... ermm ape eh? ehehhh ok ler. ape yg membuatkan aku sibuk the past weeks. studying 2 subjects this sem...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Merdeka Millenium Endurance 12 Hours Race Photos

August 28th 2004. Aizat n i had been given an important task as a media photographer for this year MME assigned by terato.com. we also shoot some videos to make the coverage more interesting. enjoy! ;...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I wouldnt be around though

yey cuti dtg lagi, so now im signing out from the cyberworld from this moment i post until mid september so plz, do not miss me (coz i wouldnt miss u :P) give me a ring if u does especially u :x (u...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Operasi mendelete orang tak kenal >:)

hehhe hari ni aku delete lagi 70 orang yg aku rase aku tak kenal rase sungguh lapang sungguh myspace aku so sesape yg rase2 aku tak kenal dia tu, pikir la juta2 kali sebelom add aku kat kontek koran...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Kenape aku rase best hari ni~

Usually everyweek kalau dtg je hari Rabu, itu menandekan hari utk lepak or buat something like mind relaxation le sbb Rabu got no class. Wednesday a.k.a. Happyday. somemore bley gi tgk wayang tiket mu...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Avril oo Avril kenapa kau tidak tegur aku

klasmet aku sorang ni alahai, bley tahan la muka... but damn aku sampai ke hari ni tak tau name dia. rambut mcm avril. pergh sape takmau rambut mcm tu punye lawa.. mentenen ntah mcm mane tah tu. huhu....
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Racing, Reving, Wreckage & Drooling (The JGT Story)

Japan GT Championship - 18 & 19 June 2004 pics pics and more pics Collaborated with terato.com, I had this first experience doing an interesting assignment of being a media for one of the ostent...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Bukan semua orang baik dalam dunia ni baik

kadang kala aku terpikir, kenapa kalau orang buat baik mesti dibalas baik... tapi kalau orang buat taik kita kene balas baik gak. sbb itu adalah sifat mahmudah (terpuji) Rasulullah S.A.W. tp aku nk cu...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cuti lagie? HAHAHA Beshnye!

hahaha akhirnye abeh gak final xm aku ari ni paper tadi sangatlahh meyakinkan! =D thanks to all yg wish me luck, sayang korang yaehuuuu merdeka merdeka cutiee!!! okeh la enuff seems like my hol...
Posted by |zru| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST