Going to Work (Late), Movies, the Internet, Travel, Planning Travel, Politics, Technology, Cooking (semi-prepared foods), Reading.
Anyone who appreciates spending both time and money with me at vendors of caffeinated drinks, watching movies both on DVD and the theater of course (Hopefully obsessively following the reviews leading up to release), and at the finest cheap ethnic joints in town!
This can be very varied, and I don't listen to much music...Some bands I like are Tears for Fears, Mew, Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, etc.
American Beauty, Brokeback Mountain, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Evita, Election, Letters from Iwo Jima, Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind, Run Lola Run, Y tu Mama tambien, the Good Girl, Donnie Darko, the Graduate, the Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Mysterious Skin, Psycho Beach Party, Orange County, L'abourge Espagnole, Far From Heaven, Go, Elephant, Waitress, Adaptation, Saved, the Iron Giant, Requiem for a Dream, Memento, Chuck and Buck, Ghost World, Goodbye Lenin, Match Point, Desperate Living, With a friend like Harry.
Six Feet Under, da Ali G Show, the Colbert Report, Family guy, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the Simpsons (Up to season 8), Sex and the City, the Office (US and UK), Curb your Enthusiasm, That's my Bush!, Nighty Night, Little Britain.
My Life, Little Children, Election, Shock Value by John Waters, 1984, America: The book; a citizen's guide to Democracy Inaction, Catcher in the Rye, Travel Books, and other assorted Non-fiction.
People I respect, heroes of mine would be: Bob Hope. Umm...Abraham Lincoln, definitely. Bono. And probably God would be the fourth one.....-Michael Scott