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Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your acti

About Me

When I've been down, everything around me has revealed itself in it's truest form… nevertheless I've strived to C the good that is missing in a lot of people...many have betrayed me, many I have deceived…Blah who cares it is only according to their small minds…let me enlighten you, You're wrong, you have not accepted me changing, I have not waited around to strengthen your weakness. I have no patience, you lack ambition. You are not in my life at the moment, because you never were. Just because I cared at one point in my life, and no longer do doesn’t make me heartless. It makes me smart…advice to live by…never relate yourself to rotten seeds when you have a brand new fresh flora of ideas to grow from. I feel my strength is been tested…It’s a negative wave that is raping me in every way imaginable…it hurts, my breathing space is limited, I feel a leech hanging on my neck…my legs are not in shape so I can’t stand for too long…I got imaginary friends giving me more love and attention than my petite figure can bear…but I love the nature of this feeling…its aggressive yet calm…it’s a soft indulging punch in the face for all that time I’ve spent alone, thinking, caring, writing…Blah…who cares right?...perhaps im selfish… WOW, that’s an eye opener…perhaps, but lets take a minute and say I have cared, lets just say I once cared for another being so much I stopped my own journey to listen to their ideas …lets pretend I’ve been a good friend to a lot of you, if so…what has me pretending to be your friend brought me? What have I gained from that Machiavellian Plan? Snakes rattle…they don’t speak your truth; they don’t stay up late for hours talking that language u like to hear…gibberish I say…but there is some truth in a lot of nonsense…every myth has a truth, every existing thing has an “it” you cant put ur finger on it, but it’s there…and it inspires you into relating to this person why? Because we’re human, and half the time we make bad choices…and those choices bring out the best in us…the teary side of us we love to seclude since we associate it with weakness…never that …maybe this materialistic generation has gotten a hold on me, im trapped, cant seem to get away from lost souls gosh they’re all over the place, they’re clones of my would be ideal companion…and it sucks, sucks more when you’re a prisoner of your own mirror and u see the u in them …I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t belong here as many of you have said since I’m so odd…but where to? Perhaps Mars or Venus? I rather Venus, I don’t like to be exposed to hazardous substances…and consume their poison…I’ll go to a nice place I have created, and no, it’s not this bullshit world we call (myspace)…it’s a real place with nice people, and naked truths…Love?... Yeah sometimes…

My Interests

Freedom, Mysticism, Taboos, Individualism, Womanhood Ideologies, Transformation, World Music, Mirabal sisters,Salvador Dali, William Bouguerau, Friedrich Nietszche, Niccolo Macchiavelli, George Carlin, Lewis Black, Frida Kahlo, Spoken poetry, Sor Juana Ines, Emily Dickinson, Robi Draco Rosa, Elephants, Snakes, Frogs, , Dancing to drums, Ocean, Egypt, India, Greece, Tribal Fusion belly dance, Sea Food, Wine, Cocktails, Bars, Lounges, Movie Threatres, Amusement parks, Traveling by plane woohoo, Nature(country side), Hate the city at times...

I'd like to meet:

A real generation of thinkers, and kids living in third world countries...


World Music...


Short Films,International
movies that mess with your head and not just the same ol' drama


I like to watch forensic files, cold case files, all kindsof mysteries and crime shows, not that im obsessed with that but I like to see real people in real situations. I also like some reality shows, like the big race, big brother, the real world. I also like documentaries, short films, and comedy specials


Literature Metaphysics Philosophy & History


My mother, and my grandma (R.I.P) cant think of any other being that has influenced me more than them...

My Blog

Rotten Seeds

Rotten seeds will always be rotten They'll never conquer full potential They're always dissident Deep within existence Never content Never radiant Useless Never growing Never showing Rotten seeds wil...
Posted by karina on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:44:00 PST

Letter To Grandma

 To My Angel  From A Fallen One As my living days get fierce As I get older As all those simple things that once Made me smile Become buried images I'll slay my charm And let go of my opti...
Posted by karina on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:06:00 PST

A Black Rose...

Shadowy emotions Beneath a black blanket Rosy skin In front of a black mirror No reflection Stoic A friendless glimpse at Ecstasy Lust has vanished from reach It never was It never could be A black d...
Posted by karina on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 04:35:00 PST

At Birth

 Careless mindDuring a time of lossAnd deceptionAs the inner strugglesProgressedAnd the thought of giving birthBrought on angstA being brought by loveAnd affectionBut the other half creatorWas ne...
Posted by karina on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:01:00 PST

Magnetic Movement

Beneath it allDeep within your EssenceMagnetic movementYou sayThe terminology turns Vague Mutilated thoughts of gloryChaotic chantsBlatant viewsDemanding actions Perhaps a riot You a rebel you sayLivi...
Posted by karina on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 08:56:00 PST

To A Stranger, I Used To Know

  Your actionsYes, your wordsYour feelingsYes, the painI remember those daysThe ones were you would listenAnd I would sayMy mind sightlessMy heart coldSeeing in you a part of me I made my ownA fa...
Posted by karina on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST

Its Gibberish For Dummies....Part I

Letter To The Blind I’m not always the strongest one; I’m usually the weaker one.But my strength is to recognize that I am vulnerable. I’m not vulnerable enough to fall apart, but I&...
Posted by karina on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 08:51:00 PST


The classification of my painIs misunderstood in a bath of Uncontrollable desperationThat has brought my fears to lifeAnd to judge with sightless eyes Is to judge and deceive I for once won't be an ad...
Posted by karina on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 08:34:00 PST

My Kind

I see seeds grow And I see plants die The seasons pass me by And yet I preserve my worth As night falls my hands go to rest As morning comes I see the light of day Through the cracks from above My ...
Posted by karina on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 06:15:00 PST

Enlightenment...the real Revolution

Q: Who are you? A: "Whomsoever you think, because it depends on you. If you look at me with total emptiness, I will be different. If you look at me ideas, those ideas will color me; if you come to me ...
Posted by karina on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:22:00 PST