alone dancing, attempting cartwheels, badly written prose, bicycles, birds with soft beaks, broken oysters, buster keaton, buster poindexter, city lights, clapping my feet together, codswallow, coffee, comingofage, communicating under water, cross-country traveling, crying, deep bass, diamond-studded gloves, doing dishes, drawing, drowning bugs, ear nectar, fangs, forgetting names, fromage, fuzz, general mundane idiocy, good jokes, horsepucky, innards, knocking on metal, The Bhagavad-Gita, liberal propaganda, making up songs, misunderstanding things, mobster movies, moldy motel rooms, natural disasters, new socks, oily rainwater rainbows, old socks, old wooden rocking horses, plant eating dinosaurs, pretending i'm dead, public nudity, quicksand, raising arms for intimidation, raspy voices, receiving mail, red bricks, sharp-toothed ghosts, sipping drinks, skin diseases, smiles, smoking in rain, somersaults, staring at the sun, starting applause, the great balloon race, the honesty of mosquitos, the rza, things golden, tiny necks, touching the ceiling, undergarments, unfortunate events, walking barefoot, white coats, wonderful things, woodland creatures
Justin Vega. Rubin Farr. Jimmy Corrigan. Charles Darwin.