Life's pretty mint.
I hate cling film. Urhhhhh.
I think Im too obsessed with music, I scare myself sometimes how I get all stressed out when Im without my iPod for a day. I get post-gig depression. It really really really annoys me when people are small minded and point bad things about music saying you should like a wider range of genres, when they're complete fucking hypocrites.
Like fair play you can have your own opinion, but its rubbing it in abit when you look down on it all the fucking time when you've never even listened to it, right?
I dream of the day when I'll meet someone as weird as me, but sadly it hasn't happened yet. Haha. I really really wanna get into a good uni in London, thats like the main thing Im working towards atm.
Mmmh yes Im a slight Camden Town fan, I have to go down atleast every month and usually end up with so much stuff that I never know what to wear so just end up wearing my favourite outfit over and over again until I hate it.
I love my DMs, they make me feel tall. I really want some 20 hole purple ones, but no such luck as I dont think they actually exist...
My nails are always painted purple, you'll rarely see me without nail varnish as it makes me feel like I have no fingers. Ha.
Ive read 'The Dirt' by Motley Crue far too much as everything I say I always have a quote from that book to back myself up. My R.S book is full of entrys from Wednesday 13's diary, with a sentence underneath which explains that it shows a spiritual truth, hmm yeah right.
♥Horrorpunk & glam metal.
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^ the coolest place in the world ^