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Name: Kristan
Birthdate: 7-9-79
Birthplace: B-town
Current Location: B-town
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: red
Height: 5'6 1/2
Weight: 155
Piercings: nose
Tatoos: none
Overused Phraze: lol
Food: anything spicy
Candy: gummy lifesavers
Number: 7 & 9
Color: blue
Animal: little dogs
Drink: water and sunkist
Alcohol Drink: hennessey & coke
Bagel: blueberry w/ blueberry cream cheese
Letter: j
Body Part on Opposite sex: lips and eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: bk
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: hot tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: love
Bedtime: whenever i get there
Most Missed Memory: my dad
Best physical feature: hair & eyes
First Thought Waking Up: lord, please let this be a good day
Goal for this year: save money
Best Friends: my son, my mom, Alice, Jessica, & Jeanna
Weakness: good sales
Fears: i have a couple
Heritage: good variety
Ever Drank: yep
Ever Smoked: yep
Pot: been there done that
Ever been Drunk: to many times
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: of course
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: brown/black
Short or Long: both
Height: taller than me
Style: there own
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute definitely a hottie
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol is ok, but no drugs
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: a couple
What country do you want to Visit: Africa and Ireland
How do you want to Die: peacefully and painless
Been to the Mall Lately: yes, to much
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Get along with your Parents: yes, very well
Health Freak: no, i wish
Do you think your Attractive: of course i do ;)
Believe in Yourself: absolutely
Want to go to College: i would like to
Do you Smoke: unfortunately, i do
Do you Drink: occasionally
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes i have
Do you Sing: not in public, but ya
Want to get Married: i would love to someday
Do you want Children: already have one and yes i want more
Have your future kids names planned out: kind of
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: well if i could turn back time.........
Hate anyone: the devil
Your Birthdate: July 9
You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count.
You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing.
Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time.
You're open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything.
Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility
Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic
Your power color: Pine green
Your power symbol: Circle
Your power month: September
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?/a
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Sun Sign: Cancer
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Rising Sign: Virgo
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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsSofaKingdom, T.I., a.k.a my husband; ), JayZ, 50 Cent, Do or Die, the list goes on and on....
Mystic River, Shawshank Redemption, Traffic, Carlito's Way, Scarface, The Goonies, and once the list goes on and on...
Real World, Montel, Judge Mathis, Will and Grace, Gray's Anatomy, CSI!!
James and the Giant Peach, my favorite. Also my reality magazines, In Touch, and Star.
My mom, my grandma, and the Lord.