Dancing,meeting new people(friends are the next thing closest to family) Good girls with goals and morals, but a freak when the lights go out. Intelecual individuals like myself.
Intellecual, spritual minded people,Pac, hopefully in heaven or if he comes back here on earth, Malcolm X, and all the great leaders that spoke and fought for a good cause not just for blacks but everyone who ever had to fight for change! At this day in age I would like to meet any and everybody thats on a spiritual journey to meet God,Allah,Buddah, whatever you want to call the one and only creator and thats real talk! So if your on that page no matter if you still comment to sinful acts cuz don't we all. But if your on that mission then I would like to meet you! I wanted to keep all the above cuz thats the people who I really like to meet but this is new added 3/17, I would like to meet people who is up for change people looking towards there future and people looking for success in life, people who are not afraid to take risk! If you don't match any of the description of people im looking to meet don't bother hitting me up! %D%A%D%A%D%A
Hip Hop,old school,Ragae,alternative,R
A Man a Part, Bowling for Columbine, Panther, Bringing Down the House, Fareinheight 911, Malcolm X
television is considered to be an idiot box! Thats how the media brainwashes you people. Wake the fuck up and smell reality!
Eldridge Cleaver: Soul on Ice, Nigger: Dick Gregory, A people's History of the U.S. 1492-Present,The Davinci Code, As a Man THinketh
Me My self and I!but most of all Andrew and Eric are my hero's. Pwned by Andrew and Eric, feds, you know what to do.