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to my side of "MySpace" My name is Eileen also known to some as Leena... I was born in El Salvador and raised in NY..moved to Texas a while ago...I am the baby of 4 girls.. yes my daddy is a lucky as you can see I have a boyfriend who i looove very much...he is the best thing that has ever happend to me...and I thank God every day for Blessing me with him...(awwwwwwwwww so cute annnnnyways if ya want to know more hit me up .. Take care and be Blessed

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This fool is toooooooo funny .. width="425" height="350" ..


My Prince and Knight in Shinning Armour with his hair down.. dayum he look good..* I love you Baby*
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?My Boyfriend?
Name::: Davin C. Harris
Age::: 20
Date Yall Hooked Up::: May 12, 2006
?His Appearance?
Skin Color::: Perfect
Shoe Size::: 13
Hair Color::: Brown
Hair Type::: pretty *smile*
Does He Keep It Fresh?::: always
Eye Color::: brown
Height::: 6'3
Weight::: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
How Does He Dress?::: real real good.. i love it
Is He Fly?::: shoot he is the definition of Fly
What Do You Notice When First Looking At Him?::: his smile.just all of him
Best Physical Feature::: everything
Worst Physical Feauture::: nothing
Would You Change Anything About His Physical Appearance If You Could?::: no he is perfect to me
?His Personality?
Funny?::: very funny
Sweet?::: yes
Mean?::: ummmmm well i plead the j.k no he isnt mean
Loving?::: very loving
Can He Express Himself?::: yes very much so
Easily? Or Does It Take A While?::: easily
Think About You All The Time?::: he better or i will beat him up *grrrrrrr* lol
Would He Cry For You?::: yes
Would You Cry For Him?::: yes
Does He Love You?::: very much so
How Much?::: a whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooole lot
Conceited?::: yes and i love it he is vrey very confident
?His Favorites?
Food::: pasta
Drink::: Water and Koolaid
Shoe::: those Sneakers he has... umm i forgot which ones they were
Color::: Blue
Hobby::: video games *sigh*lol
Artist::: me.. lol... jk ( although i should be) but it is Chamillionaire
Sport::: wrestling
?Friends And Family?
Is He Popular?::: yes very popular
Does He Have Haters?::: yea but that makes him more confident
Does He Care?::: nope not at all
Could He Fight If Somebody Called His Hands Out?::: hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll yea
Do A Lot Of Girls Have Crushes On Him?::: yea but them heffas got nothin on
Do Your Friends Like/Used To Like Him?::: no i dont have many female friends
Was He A Cheater?::: nope
Are You A Cheater?::: nope
Did You Change Him?::: we both changed eachother in a certain way
Has He Changed You?::: duh i just said that
Siblings?::: not blood related but many friends that are like his siblings
Does His Parents/Grandparents Like You?::: yes
How Many Of His Fam Have You Met If Any?::: 4 (including his cousin) and cant wait to meet more
What Do His Friends Think Of You?::: they like me... but i havnt met them all
Do Any Of His Friends Like You?::: not in that way
?His Past Relationships?
Do Any Exes Still Bother Him?::: no not that i know off
Do Girls Still Try To Talk To Him Even Though They Know You/Of You?::: yea
Do You Worry About Them?::: hell na like i said heffas got nothin on me
Do Exes Call?::: he is still friends with some i think
Has He Ever Been Abused By A Girlfriend?::: does been cheated on count???
Is He A Virgin?::: lol
Has He Done It With Over 5?::: oh goodness
Have You And Him Ever Been Bad?::: bad??? define bad
If Not, Will You?::: will i what????
Does He Still Have Feelings For Exes?::: nope
Do You Want To/Would You Fight Any Girls Over Him?::: if they disrespect me in anyway yea
If So, Who?::: ex: that heffa on facebook that threatend me
?Is Your Relationship...?
Freaky?::: ???? freaky??????
Cute?::: very cute
A Trusting One?::: yes trust is the foundation
Mushy?::: it can
Rough?::: rough????
Playful?::: yea we know how to have a good time
Mean?::: no
Aggressive?::: no
Could It Be Better?::: it gets better everyday
Ever Been To The Mall Together?::: umm yea we both work in the mall
Ever Been To Each Other's House?::: yea
Ever Done Anything That You Wouldnt Do For Anyone Else For Him?::: yea
Has He?::: yea
Love Him?::: with all that i have
How Much?::: umm since its with all that i have it is a whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooole lot
How Long Do You Wanna Be With Him?::: forever and ever and ever or until God says that its time to go seperate ways
How Did You Meet Him?::: none of yo dayum
Do You And Him Have A Song?::: we have many songs
What Is It?::: i aint tellin you
Does He Have Little Things That He Says That No One Else Doesnt?::: yea
What Are They?::: umm i dont think i wanna say
If You Could Tell Him Anything Right Now, What Would It Be?::: He is the best thing that has ever happend to me , He is my prince Charming..i love him soo much
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Jesus is my Hero.. because he died for meBecause he picks me up when i cant go on

My Blog


tHIS sONG bY lINKIN pARK dEScRIbES hOW i fEEL TO THE "T"... dAYuM......... I think that sometimes people that care for you a lot are the ones that put so much pressure on you... not because they dont ...
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I cant stand people that are so religous!!!! THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE CHRISTIAN When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin.'" I'm whispering "I was lost, Now I'm found and f...
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What do you do?

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Some People just dont get it

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