Cooking Lots Of Yummy Organic Foods & Experimenting In the Kitchen--Sharing food with Friends-Pot Luck On Weds Is Fun! I Love All Of You Who Come & Share. Thank You!Organic Gardening--Flower Picking. Ha Ha Seriously I pick flowers- I am a flower picker Ha HaSurfing--S*m**r**nd- Is an Awesome surf spot.Coastal Camping & Road Trips--Hiking In Big Sur--YOGA Is Amazing / Meditation Is BeautifulPlaying Acoustic Guitar Is "The Best Outlet Ever!" --Going to See Live Music--We usually go see reggae, it will make ya feel good.
In an idealistic world everyone I meet I would like to be happy, comfortable in their skin, unconditionally loving, fulfilled, sincere, honest, souls everywhere... that are deeply concerned for the world we live in the creatures the air the sea and land; everywhere I would turn would be an accepting, enlightened being that would help to share and make that moment just a little brighter! In an idealist World- Big Sigh!
Yeh Music Is Good, especially good music. Reggae Roots & Dub Jacob Miller, Ooklah The Moc, Hugh Mundell, Bob, Don Carlos, Everton Blender, Mikey Dread, -Local Music Too- Vegitation, Agua Dulce, Maiz (Cell Fish-Some Of The Best Lyrics Ever!), B-side Players,Crucial, Resignation, Tea Leaf Green, Psydecar, Spencer Neilsen, Moses Guest, Mello Music too- Jack Johnson, Jewel, Cold Play, MOOdy Blues, Dave Matthews, Ben Harper Ben Harper Ben Harper, Billy Bragg & Wilco, Ani Di Franco, Sara Mc.L, Grisman, Alison Krauss, Pink Floyd, Bela Fleck, Groovy International Beats: Cuban Music, Brazillian Music, Good drum beats and lyrics, all latin music, Portugese Music, Peruvian Reggae (Thanks Rommie Beto) ALL PUTAMYO BLEND CD's, Get your rock on with some Led Zepplin (THX MOM) & one of my absolute all time favorites The Red HOT Chili Peppers mmmmm, Santana, Just No Negative Music or Lyrics that are degrading to anybody or anything. No No No Sing It No No No Negative Music PLEEEASE!!
The Princess Bride. It Just Never Gets OldThe Drunken Master & Buddist Fist- It's Older 1970's Kung Fu, the real stuff!Point Break- "Surfing It will change your life, man" Yup It Will- LOVE & RESPECT THE OCEAN!!!Adam Sandler Rocks: Happy Gilmore, Billy MadisonPink Flyod DVD's ALL of them! Love the Floyd Forever!The RockersSimpsons on DVD I missed all the ones on TV. South Park too.NOVA & DISCOVERY & NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC VIDEOS. GO TO YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY IT IS COOL & NATURE IS SO NATURALDisney Is Good: Jungel Book- Peter Pan- Finding Nemo & Lilo & Stich
The Next One Hundred Years( Shaping the Fate of Our Living Earth) BY Jonathan Weiner--- Angel Letters: BY Sophy Burnham--- Yoga Yoga BY: Anthony Carillo--- Herbs Of The Earth BY: Mary Carse--- The Four Agreements BY: Don Miguel Ruiz---- THE HOLY BIBLE
Huh? Never Really thought about it. I use to like Smurfette. Gandhi is an amazing example of how one person can positivly impact us. Seriously,though My MOM is awesome. She is always nice, genuine, considerate, caring and of course loving, she has always worked hard at everthing and been humble about it all. Yup she is pretty good stuff! Mr. Kitty man he can sleep n eat n sleep n eat!