CROWD profile picture


About Me

CROWD is an experienced and successful union of musicians, united by their love for music. The music expresses their way of seeing the world. CROWDs unique world of emotions makes no compromises with commercialism authentic feelings dont pander to the just to sell music. CROWD isnt for sale in this sense. CROWD gives a musical experience, food for thought and a great show that wont leave you indifferent.
The beginnings of CROWD date back to 1998. A big leap forward came in 2000 when lead singer Jana joined the band. Her voice and attitude completely changed the bands sound and performance style. CROWD worked on improving their unique sound for a couple of years. The payback for this hard work came in 2004, when the band earned many awards at unsigned band contests and festivals in Latvia. The most important award was the Grand Prix at "Sinepes un Medus 2004" (Mustard & Honey 2004). This victory gave a chance to record (in 9 days) and distribute an album in cooperation with a recording company. The breakthrough year 2004 ended by a warm up performance for PARADISE LOST in Riga.CROWDs debut album "Jutu evolucija" (Evolution of feelings) was released in February, of 2005. That turned a page in bands history and set new goal. However, drummer Zigmars left the band soon after this. A new drummer Jims joined CROWD in September and inspired a new creative surge. Currently CROWD is working on its second album. The single "Sniegs" (Snow) from the upcoming album started getting airplay on Latvian radio stations this year. Good chart standings show that listeners enjoy this song.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Maris, Kaspars, Edgars, Jims, Jana
Influences: Nirvana, The Cranberries, Guano Apes, Skumju Akmeni, RHCP, Metallica, Laurie Anderson, PJ Harvey, QOTSA, Within Temptation
Sounds Like: CROWD
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New singles

Hello, everybody! Do You like our song "Today"? If You do, listen to it while You can. A couple of new singles is on the way, so "Today" will leave myspace pretty soon. I can say that o...
Posted by CROWD on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:14:00 PST