floods, flowing skirts, peach nectar, homemade jewlery, presents, surprises, road trips, hot curlers, moshing, signing body parts, hotels, showers, HGTV, Vegetarianism, a single rose, irish accents, alcohol, alfredo, being goofy, the beach at night, my dad's bar, meeting cool people, money, flowers, drawing, painting, the red sox, white t-shirts, water, love, movies, disposable cameras, walks in the rain, making out, the internet, being smarter than people, cuddling, blue eyes, breakfast, beer, xcountry skiing, singing in the car, quarry jumping, snow cones, blueberry muffins, butterflies in my stomach, notes on napkins, organizing, the smell of campfires, billiards, Coldstone Creamery, the hip muscle, pearls, hoodies, sharpies, ranch dressing, love dice, snow ball fights, ice skating, hot tubs, mad-libs, caramel apples, pumpkin seeds, reh reh, jamn sessions, hugs, swimming, sudoku, public transportation, Toyota's, mix cds, lingerie, walks on the river, sightseeing, my friends, my family, my loves ♥
these people make my world go round
..there are more beautiful faces
I will give anything a try.. It all moves me in different ways.
Real World One Tree Hill The Daily Show Colbert Report South Park Mission Organization
It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken, The DaVinci Code, Tearjerker, Normal Girl, Harry Potter(s), Big Love, The English Patient, Wild Things, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Sybil, The Boy Next Door, A walk to Remember, Wicked, Make Way for Ducklings, etc
My dad. He's amazing.