Layout made by xxblackwave96xx at .
uh oh, Its me, Davey JoeI'm 15, I'm a Christian, I live on a farm in Oklahoma. One redkneck Joke and I'll kill you. =) .I like To Play Music. My thing is Guitar, Synthesiser, and harmonica.I like Hardcore, idie, experimental, emocore, punk, classic rock.I have a band ANTHEMTOYOUESCAPE is the name of it.I'm generally a pretty nice guy, unless you open up your mouth and be disrespectful to me or my friends, and then You'll wish You had never met me.I'm origionally From New York City, so if you dont like my accent, you can kindly die. furthermore, any redkneck jokes will be taken seriously, and my size 12 combat boot will make di-rect contact with your cranium.