Keeping an eye on the government, constitutional politics, religion, the outdoors,RALLY RALLY and MORE RALLY!!!! World Rally Challenge(best drivers EVER!) roadtrips,firearms, 4 wheelers and I LOVE to learn about almost anything. Im blown away by all the neat things there are out there. Anything as simple as sewing, to String theory.We are definately in a modern day renissance. Hiking is the shit, i could just about go out and never come back.....trail riding, camping, cant get enough...cheers!
Are we talkin Meet or Converse? Talking isnt bad, but really get to know, now come on! So, not too many people. If you can't comprehend, that the Federal Reserve is neither federal NOR a reserve, then we probably shouldnt talk. Someone who is as interested in me as I am in me all the things you like to do! A brain, along with the capacity to debate is a HUGE plus!
Laid back stuff, old rock, Dylan, The Who, Doors, Zep.....but into all sorts of things.
better be good.......documentarys definately
DEVIL BOX! this machine makes you STUPID!
Informational books
Johny Cash, myself, Sam Colt, John Browning, Eugene Stoner, any combat survivor, and the guys at Subaru!