~S@ge~ profile picture


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About Me

I've relized a few things about Texas since I've been here for just about a year... I've come to see the difference between the majority (not all) of females born/raised here in Texas compared to how I was raised/brought up. I'm not like a Texas girl! I'm not Submission nor am I Passive. I am Aggressive and Assertive. I don't think like most women, I think more like a man. So, I'm a bitch if you don't know me and a loyal friend if you do. My priorities consist of my son, family/friends and my future! I can entertain myself and I like other people who can do the same. I don't slow down that often and some people have a hard time keeping up with me. I just recently was medically discharged from USAF (which is something I didn't want to happen). I was stationed in Italy for 2yrs and met some of the best people I know who are constantly in my thoughts today. I'm originally from Portland Oregon but decided to be closer to my family here in Austin Texas. (Hook 'em Longhorns!)
I like to chill as much as I can, especially after a long day of work, school, and playin' around with my son! I've only been in Austin for about a year and I'm beginning to make friends, slowly (I don't get out much). I enjoy having a good time even if it's just playing video games with a buddy. Any where near a body of water is my favorite place to be on a beautiful day.
If I died today, I'd be upset because I wouldn't be able to see my son grow up, but I know that he is well taken care of by what I've left for him and by my parents. Other than that, the only thing that I want to do that I haven't done yet is... sky dive! So I'd die pretty happy!!!
I DON'T make friends with just ANYbody so if you want me to add you, then you better give me a good reason why, ie... You know me! :P
AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves being in long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out.
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My Interests

I like to do anything that's new & interesting. I like chillin' out, having a good time and relaxing with good people.I especially like hanging out with the 'lil man below!
http://www.glitter-graphics.com ..'Myspace Graphics'

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My Star-Crush
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Anything with a good beat! Variation of muzak!


I love action/comedy. Eh - Not too much into girlie movies, nor stupid/scary movies.
Good Luck Chuck

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CSI: Las Vegas, House, 24, DHW & HGTV!


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My parents and I want to be one for my son (even if it's only kissin his booboo)!

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My Blog

Not So Fun-nay!

As Jayden is growing up, learning how to speak more words, I've realized that I can't keep him small forever.  Yes, he will always be my lil man no matter how big he gets but there are just somet...
Posted by ≈S@ge≈ on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 06:27:00 PST

First Time I Met Jayden

Ouch.  Ouch!  What is this feeling that is cramping around my belly button?  It feels like tiny knots, about a hundred little rubber band balls, bouncing around inside of me.  What...
Posted by ≈S@ge≈ on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 06:20:00 PST

Lady's Underwear

      Today, women come in a large variety: from lazy, scandaless princesses to independent, hard-as-nails businesswomen.  Some women still remain at home, taking care of...
Posted by ≈S@ge≈ on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:01:00 PST

I was Tagged

The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about themselves" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their six weird habits/things, as well as state this rule clear...
Posted by ≈S@ge≈ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 02:39:00 PST

Getting Settled In

Alrighty then... Moved into my new house here in Austin Texas... not too shabby.  I'm currently prepping Jayden's & my room for paint... slowly but surely the remodeling will be done soon. :P...
Posted by ≈S@ge≈ on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:03:00 PST

Going back to the States

Well beings that I'm no longer in the USAF I need to find something else to do to keep me occupied, besides chasing my son around!  So I'm moving to Austin, TX where most of my family is located....
Posted by ≈S@ge≈ on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:33:00 PST