Kate the Skydiver! profile picture

Kate the Skydiver!

I love lamp

About Me

What Classic Bombshell Are You?
Marilyn Monroe

You are Marilyn Monroe! You are a true sex goddess. Men want you and women want to be you. Your body is flawless and you are the epitome of beauty. You love being in front of the camera and it shows.

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..mspobj type="2006 US Nationals Routine - Anomaly

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I'd like to meet:

Britney Spears!!! What a milf....


Blink 182, Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson, Green Day, AFI, Sum 41, New Found Glory, Kevin Fowler, Roger Creager, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Yellowcard, Fuel, Trapt, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, Hinder, All American Rejects, Death Cab for Cutie, Killers, Postal Service, Eminem, Angels and Airwaves, +44, Weezer, 30 Seconds to Mars, Sugarland, Blue October, Eve 6, Tom Petty, Panic! At The Disco, Switchfoot.... and so on and so on....


Fight Club, Moulin Rouge, Legally Blonde, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, 4 Rooms, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Meet Joe Black, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Grease, Boondock Saints, Coyote Ugly, Monty Python - Holy Grail, American History X, i dunno theres a bunch more...


South Park is the shit!! Family Guy is good too... thats about it i don't have time for TV
Which South Park kid are you most like?
You are extremely naive. You'll believe whatever anyone tells you. This is because your parents have sheltered you.

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"Don't you know that a rich man is like a pretty girl? You don't marry her just because she's pretty. But, my goodness, doesn't it help? Would you want your daughter to marry a poor man? You'd want her to have the most wonderful things in the world. Why is it wrong for me to want those things?" - Marilyn Monroe

My Blog

20 Reasons Skydiving Is Better Than Sex!

1. You can have six skydives a day and still want more. 2. Finding partners for skydiving is much easier - physical attraction is not as important. 3. Skydiving is much safer; no diseases and no kids....
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:08:00 PST

You know you're a skydiver when....

You know you're a skydiver when& On windy days you go to the DZ anyway and bitch about the weatherOn cloudy/windy days you pull out your parachute and pack it just to say that you've done something sk...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:29:00 PST

I've been royally SCREWED over.

So I should be at work right now, but I was allowed to go home because it was quite apparent that I am "too pissed off to work". Before I tell my tale, let me pose a question for you all... How would ...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 06:07:00 PST


I only add people that I KNOW! other people.. PLEASE stop tryin to add me as your friend and STOP sending me msgs! im NOT gonna change my mind and add you or reply to your msgs. I'm not a bitch but i'...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 11:12:00 PST


Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday and especially to those who were there with me Wed. night gettin me completely FUCKED UP and then babysittin me!!! I had an absolute BLAST even tho i br...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:11:00 PST

profile changes

it seems we have a real genius on our hands... some "hobag69" had nothing better to do with their time than get my password and wipe my profile clean. however, it wasn't too smart for them to use...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 04:05:00 PST

I've been tagged!

I HAVE BEEN TAGGED! So, the rules are, once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself." In the end you need to chose 6 people to be tagged and lis...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 06:48:00 PST

mean, but hilarious

Break UP! A Must read This shit is fuckin hillariousThe following is an e-mail going around NYC...and now California and now Atlanta...and now Rhode Island... and now Texas.The 1st part is a girl's ap...
Posted by Kate the Skydiver! on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:33:00 PST