check out my music on myspace. Search for Mark Keinneth.
it starts when you almost had that perfect MOMENT somewhere between your EARLY morning dream and waking up to the damn alarm clock. . . on any given day from a rude awakening not knowing if you are going to have an awesome day or the worst possible series of events that happens to you but you still think to yourself and believe that everyday, like YESTERDAY, is another day to live through while waiting for that something you aren't really sure about but know is truly good for you but then you get distracted by everything else that happens that day and before you know it, you end up back home trying to figure out what happened and when you do, you just try to ignore it and find yourself somewhere in your living quarters figuring out why you can't seem to think of anything, but you know that there's so much to think about, ending up doing what you usually do to prepare yourself to sleep and rest on your somewhat of a comfortable bed and suddenly end up in that perfect moment somewhere between your early morning dream and waking up to the alarm clock. . . That's my life. . .