Aisha*Akasha profile picture


Precious&Priceless Momento!

About Me

I'm like a dove who looks for love with a name of an angel sent from the heavens above. My skin is sun kissed the colour of gold. My soul is brighter than the diamonds u behold, I'm a rare jewel that's a hidden treasure, more precious than anything u can measure.
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

Online Status Icons
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... encouraging
Your love is... unique

My Interests

I enjoy reading, writing, singing, dancing, and listening to good music. There's alot of unique personality traits about me, and I'm a pretty easy-going person with a fun-loving nature. Sometimes I can be shy when I'm in an unfamiliar environment, but overal I'm an extrovert. I enjoy the "great outdoors" and I like being around positive people that give/receive inspiration. aa a

I'd like to meet:
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Truth Hurts, Family the Kindred Soul, Dead Prez, Twister, Raheem DeVaughn, Isley Bros., Godsmack, Dave Hollister, India Arie, Angie Stone, MJB&Eightball, Ne-yo, Keisha Cole, Aqiyl,Shakesprere Black,Mary J.Blidge,Tina Marie, Earth,Wind & Fire (R&B,Hip-Hop,Alt) div


KIll Bill/Me,Myself & Irene/Dead Presidents/Manchurian Candidate/Sky High/Waiting to Exhale/Pulp Fiction/ American Psycho/FinalDestination/ChroniclesOfNarnia/ Loletta/Quills/Claudine/BramStoker'sDracula/Black Male/ SilenceofTheLambs/Scarface/ParentTrap/SAW/TITANIC/InsideManT rainingDay/Benchwarmers/Dumb&Dumber/TheMatrix/MenInBlack / BadBoys/IndependanceDay/Gladiator/LionHeart/RagstoRiches/ Monster/MonsterBall/Superman/XXX/MillionDollarBaby/WhiteMenC antJumb/


Sista Souja,Steven King,Ayala Vanzent,Miracle,Torah,Quran,etc.


Name: Aisha Monique Chenevert
Birthdate: 12-12-1978
Birthplace: Compton, California
Current Location: Lakewood
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125
Piercings: belly
Tatoos: Fairy on left ass cheek
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Where/Who
Overused Phraze: Is that right
Food: pasta,salad
Candy: Ferrero Roecher
Number: 1/2/12/21
Color: blue/orange/purple/black/green/brown/gold
Animal: blue pitbull
Drink: POM/Naked/Kao Tao Passion Fruit Green Tea
Alcohol Drink: Mudslide
Bagel: plain,toasted w/butter or cream cheese
Letter: from Ray Ray
Body Part on Opposite sex: waistline
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: neighter/ Dr. Pepper
McDonalds or BurgerKing: neither/Jack-n-the Box
Strawberry or Watermelon: hummm strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: I like it hot
Chocolate or Vanilla swirl
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: mixed
Kiss or Hug: huggi bear kiss don't tell
Dog or Cat: urrrr ruff ruff
Rap or Punk: cut the game that's a rap
Summer or Winter: Summer Summer Summer time!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funninni
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: whenever i choose
Most Missed Memory: before my innocence was lost
Best phyiscal feature: eyes/lips/nose/complexion
First Thought Waking Up: my back hurts
Goal for this year: start business in massage therapy
Best Friends: Allah/Khaire/Kaliph/Kevin/Juwan/Moses/Myself
Weakness: feeling weak
Fears: Only caring for myself
Heritage: Native American/African roots
Longest relationship: 3-4 years
Ever Drank: yeah
Ever Smoked: yipper
Pot: inhaled, exhaled
Ever been Drunk: unfortunatly so
Ever been beaten up: jumped
Ever beaten someone up: ohh yeah
Ever Shoplifted: long ago
Ever Skinny Dipped: yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: of course I'm not the 40yr.old virgin
Been Dumped Lately: ungh uhh
Number of Regrets in the Past: more than 5
What country do you want to Visit: Morroco
How do you want to Die: Already have, just waking up from it
Been to the Mall Lately: I sure havn't
Do you like Thunderstorms: they alright ass long as it get's rid of the filth
Get along with your Parents: my pops
Health Freak: in a way
Do you think your Attractive: fairly, there can be improvement
Believe in Yourself: I believe
Want to go to College: maybe
Do you Smoke: puff puff give damn it
Do you Drink: socially on occasion
Shower Daily: I bath regularly
Been in Love: ahhh yes in deed/ it can hurt but feel sooo good
Do you Sing: yip
Want to get Married: love to with the right person
Do you want Children: I have one, uno!
Have your future kids names planned out: somewhat
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: hmmmm
Hate anyone: I've learned to love my enemies/ they're so funny