The Mistress of Reggae profile picture

The Mistress of Reggae

The Mistress of Reggae a.k.a Daddy's Sunshine Girl

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts My life is about One Love. One love of the true loves of my life, my husband my daughter, and my newborn son. As we stated in our wedding vows we will always strive to live righteously by living by the Golden Rule, doing unto others as we would have others do unto us. It's stated in all religions around the world! One Love of all of God's creations! One Love of all people. For true love is color blind!I am however, not on myspace to meet men or make friends w/guys. I love and respect my husband, so guys unless you are a reggae artist wanting to share your musical talents w/me and nothing else, or want to share information regarding how we can make this world a better place, please no add requests!Our little prince, born 10-6-06 with his big sister...

Myspace Graphics, Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Reggae music and the rasta culture. Yoga, meditation & self improvement. ONE LOVE ORG Save The World - One Click At A Time!

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I'd like to meet:

My handsome step-son (again)!! Ra, please know we want you in our lives, and that we love you and miss you very much!!! Link us up! Bob Marleyor any of his children, especially Stephen & Damian!RohanKy-ManiTheir mother, the queen of reggae herself, Mrs. Rita Marley,Most of today's Reggae artistsMiss Lady Blue (Jah has blessed you with a unique voice and talent. Your heart is pure & sweet. Love & respect and a prayer for success in sharing your gift w/the world). It was such a pleasure to hug you at Celebrity Fest 1, looking forward to seeing you again soon Blue!!! and too many others to name.Jessica Alba, need I say more.Mary J. Blige for without her music I may not have made it through trouble times.Erykah Badu Andre Benjamin Lauryn HillNot to mention all the great leaders of our time that have given their lives to make our world a safer and better place for all.The one's who have crossed over whom I miss so much, my mother Catherine, my brother Eric, my best guy friend from high school Collin Creed, Grandma Essie, Grandma Bea, Granddaddy Riley, Nicole (although we never met sister-in-law you are in my heart), and all the other friends & relatives that have gone on before me.


Reggae (especially dancehall & culture) & hip-hop.


All kinds, martial arts films especially Jet Li comedies, any & all Denzel Washington filmsall Jessica Alba's films.Sin City Into the BlueFantastic 4 .. w&current=1166931924.pbw How could I forget Star Wars (all of them!)


Don't have much time for TV. However, I love Football, WWE & Sci-Fi & Dancing With The Stars!! Go Laila!!!!!


The Bible, The Quran, Celestine Prophecy, The Tenth Insight, The Secret of Shamalah, Nature Knows No Color Line, The Four Agreements, The Prayer of Jabez and anything else that will help me to be a better person and to treat others the way I want to be treated regardless of race, color, creed or religion.


My husband for his strength in putting up with me for 13 years and being there for me when no one else was. My mother-in-law who shows me that you can be ageless and who's wisdom guides me and shows me how to be a strong woman. Grandma Essie who taught me how to keep my family nourished by schooling me on her skillz in the kitchen. Grandma Essie, you will forever be in my heart, may you rest in peace. My father My father-in-law Bobby who's knowledge continues to guide my family. All my brothers & sisters who I am so proud of!!! Our soul sister Ginenne for her unconditional love, friendship, guidance & wisdom. We love you babe!!!All those that have come before me to make it possible for me to live the lifestyle that I do. This includes Mr. John Henrik Clarke for his documentary "A Great and Mighty Walk" opened my eyes even wider to the truth of where we have been and where we are headed!My friends that work to make this world a better place, one day at a time, one step at a time. Through their constant dedication & preseverance, they motivate me to better myself! May Jah continue to bless you and guide you. Babygirl, The Stand Project, One Love Unity, Miss Lady Blue, Caryanne, Beautiful Dread, Shilo!!!! Thank you for your friendship, your guidance and your wisdom. May you be surrounded by positive light wherever you are. One Love Always!!!

My Blog

Children's book holds valuable lesson

My daughter brought home this book from her school library, and it's message was so deep that I had to post the story.  For those of you w/small children, I highly recommend you go out and get th...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST

Top 10 Steps Toward Spiritual Growth

Thanks to my sistren, StrongMind, I felt this worthy of posting in my blog....   The Top 10 Steps Toward Spiritual Growth. 1. Make it a priority. The material world that we see, hear, and feel is...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 06:26:00 PST

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements 1)  Be impeccable with your word. 2)  Don't make assumptions. 3)  Don't take anything personally. 4)  Always do your personal best. These four simple agreements...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 07:28:00 PST

Life lessons

I'm sure a lot of people have seen these life lesson stories before, as I have, but I felt they needed to be seen again!  Let us all work to learn these lessons taught here and love our fellow ma...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:03:00 PST

"At Long Last, Our Fair Day"

At Long Last, Our Fair Day June 05, 2004   Our life philosophy is: regardless of race, color, creed or religion, you should love and do unto others, as you would have them love and do unto you....
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 05:35:00 PST

Timeless Love

Are you the sun to my moon, or the moon to my sun? Even the celestial heavens, say you are the one. You fill me with such unbridled passion, my heart burns with desire.You are my earth, my wind AND my...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 06:23:00 PST

There Will Never Be Another

There Will Never Be Another   Youre not only my husband & lover, but my very best friend. In a world full of so much falsehood & deceit, the only one on whom I know I can truly depend. &n...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Fri, 26 May 2006 05:53:00 PST

Invincible Love

Invincible Love   Your enemy will try to attack your mind: Hell trick you, hell lie, and hell try to break your spirit- Resist the impulse to hate your enemy for this. Instead love him for stren...
Posted by The Mistress of Reggae on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:16:00 PST