CSUMB Disc Golf profile picture

CSUMB Disc Golf

Welcome To CSUMB Disc Golf!!!

About Me

A special shout-out goes out to the DGA for donating discs to us for fundraisers and for supporting us. Thank you, guys. Congratulations to Stancil and Merle on your performances in the Steady Ed Memorial Masters Cup Tournament. Just to let everyone know, one man came up to me and told me that Stancil was his God while I was at the tournament. Stancil is every Disc Golfer's God!

My Interests

Duh!!! Disc Golf is the shizznizzle!!

I'd like to meet:

"Steady" Ed Headrick, the founding father of Disc Golf!!! We hope you're still flying in eternity. Disc Golfers from around the world UNITE!!! We'd like to meet you all!


"Steady" Ed Headrick, Stancil Johnson, Merle Witvoet, The DGA, The PDGA