women, Music, $money$, drums, guitars, Jet Skiing, Horses, Parties, sex, sex, and more sex, And a "lil" sin.
ALL Hot And Evil Chicks, An friends
Rob Zombie. Pantera, Corn. Queen of the damned, Deaf tones, Godsmack, SmashingPumkins, Bush, Manson, Acid Bath, Sevendust, Nervana, pearl jam, Candle box, Alice In chains, Tool, and most Metal....... If u wanna know more music just ask
Holloween (all) texas chain saw Devils rejects house of a 1000 corps Chech and chong How High Helter Skelter Jaw Breaker
I just told u 2 sec ago fuckin morron!!!!!!!!
anything 2 do with naked chicks......... PENTHOUSE.......YEEAAAAHHH
Dime Bag Darrell- Panatera