I wonder me and you goin down the street/ i see 2 niggas that i already beat/ i wonder would u thro down 2/ if i go down would u go down 2/ How can someone tell you to stop smokin/ but u catch them in the back room tokin/why you cant be called an alcoholik/ but if it aint then what shuld i call it/how niggas can run and sho cant hide/ and these niggas can act up but they sho cant lie/how the crips and the bloods can fight/ as black people we suposed to be in unity tight/how can jesus christ die for my sins/ and i herd dude down the street sayin hell die for a benz/ how klu klux klan do what they do/ but if i sag my pants a little ima gangsterto you/ whay niggas wanna be someone else/ and why aint niggas never happy wit just bein themselfs/ i got one more question, why are we the hottest/ cuz u niggas is always gunna be garbage regardless.
THROW IT UP!!!Blackhouse is on a roll like 4 car tires/ blackhouse stay sharper the fences wit barb wire/ they say we too hot thats cuz we are fire/ when we hit punchlines make arappers wanna retire/ other rappas claim they tight but we like haha right/ but blackhouse will leave ur brain doin the cha cha slide/ with a little bit of kiddles and iddles and biddles of fun/ when a brother get the spittin my riddles im done/ we so hot got somepeople tryin to run/ if u wanna survive the heat, then stay in the sun/ cuz blackhouse wanna get u up off of ur feet/ whats it take to get these people up outta their seats????
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