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Appreciate what you have and hold on or one day you might realize you lost a diamond while you were

About Me

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I always walk with my head high. I bounce back from any fall I take and come back for more when life knocks me down. My friends and family are EVERYTHING to me...I would advise not to push me the wrong way but push one of them and it will only get worse for you. I keep it classy but I hold my own. I value the things that a lot of young people don't know about anymore... morals, chivalry, honesty, family traditions, loyalty, integrity and most importantly self respect. I take on a lot. Self-Inflicted pressure seems to be an on-going issue. I am a full time counselor for my friends and loved ones. If it were possible to solve the problems of the world, Lord knows I would try. Sometimes it is reciprocated and sometimes it is not. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter because I sleep well at night.On the outside, I will usually appear to have it all under control...you will NEVER know when I am about to break down. I cringe at the thought of showing weakness. Crying is usually an annual event for me.I have a lot to say about a lot of things but recognize that silence can sometimes speak much louder than any words.Call me your best friend and your worst enemy and you have me summed up.In relationships, I enjoy being a man's greatest strength and weakness at the same time.I am loyal to a fault but will not be walked on.If you appreciate the "little things" but do them in a BIG way...you might have a chance. How you treat me is how you will be treated in return x 2.Possessing a professional desire to drive you into the ground for the sake of profit/power, and a nurturing side that will make you chicken noodle soup when you are sick, is an interesting balancing act.I grew up with less and because of that, I believe I have more.You will fail miserably if you ever try to "dumb me down" for the fear of exposing your own intellectual deficiencies...I'll drop you off at the library and do my "good deed for the day".I am down to earth but out of your reach.I will NEVER forget where I came from.I take risks. Sometimes I win, sometimes I come out a little bruised but I ALWAYS leave knowing more than I did before. If you ask me, that is a win/win situation. I stand by my decisions even when others don't agree. Being held accountable for my own destiny is something I will respect regardless of the outcome. I make decisons based on the example I try to set and the advice I give. I will not be a hypocrite. What is good for my loved ones is good for me. Overall, I am an open minded, level headed, self-sufficient, independent and dependable, look on the brighter side, laugh until my stomach hurts, down for those who are down for me, tell you straight to your face kind of chica.

My Interests

I don't have all the answers...but I am on a quest to get them

I'd like to meet:

I am truly blessed with the most amazing people in my life. However, I am open to meet individuals with something to say and nothing to prove. I am intrigued by knowledge gained through life experience...the things that books can not teach. If you walk with your head down and eyes closed to the world around you, the ONLY thing I can offer you is pity. If you can laugh right after you cry, take a knife in the back and keep walking, stand by someone you love when no one else will, offer respect until disrespected...you just might have a place in my world.

************************************************************ ****************************************************** I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!********


ALL kinds (with the exception of country) Especially something that has the ability to bring about an emotion/feeling spontaneously. ie; Otis Redding. If your heart isn't broken before you listen to him, you will feel like it is after. AMAZING


Two words...AL PACINO


Usually I consider this a waste of time...but I can't front and say that I don't ever watch it...sports, A&E, Sex and the City...yeah, I'm down with that.


The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Art of War, Comparative Religions, The Art of Seduction, anything by Dr. Pericone,...currently reading The Alchemist (thanks K) and many more...


People who have lived, loved and survived it all. Those who have opened themselves to a cause, to new ideas, to others, been hurt and would do it all over again. Strength...it's my favorite quality. And Sophia Loren

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by M on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:11:00 PST

A few thoughts to share...

*Generally speaking, through our OWN thoughts and actions, we teach others how we expect to be treated.   *Self respect NEVER goes out of style. *When in doubt...DON'T *History repeats ...
Posted by M on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 06:28:00 PST