Music, showers, freshly shaved legs, dirt, mud, horses, goats, soft grass, large climbing trees, and all elements of existance.
Myself first....then....A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty. I am in love with the human race. This is a strength and a weekness.
I love noise. I want to be a proffessional pot player when i grow up. With kitchen spoons and the whole shabang! The cheese grater is also welcome.
Patch Adams "Our job is to increase health. You know what that means?That means improving the quality of life, not just delaying death."Across the universe "Music is the only thing that makes sence now, play it loud enough, it keeps the demons out of the head."Natural born killers Mister rabbit says, "A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers." "You make every day feel like kindergarten." "That the worst fuckin' head I ever got in my life! Next time don't be so fuckin' eager!" "At birth, I was cast into a flaming pit of scum forgotten by God."
The first 48 hours Weeds Food network
A collection of waded up notebook papers, napkins, and paper towels I once wrote on.
I have no heros, wanna fill out an application for me? I will see if you fit my hero criteria.