i ain't never hauled hay in the trunk Of my car, but i drunk a little shine frOm a masOn jar. i knOw hOw to wOrk and hOw ta have fun, i'm a gOOd-timin', blue-cOllar, sOn-Of-a-gun. i like mOnster trucks, tractOr pulls, cOunty fairs, huntin' and fishin' and ice cOld beer. that's the way I'm gOnna be 'till the day I die, so i'm up wit the sun Off On the run... makin mOney mOney - cause I wanna have fun 5 O'clOck whistle - Off like a missle... gOt a hOt date girl named lAce think's i'm cOOl...'cause I shOOt straight, ain't One thing abOut her fake shes lOng and tall and she gOes great wit cOld bEer, hOt wings...wranglers, skOal ring... gun rack, ball cap... dOn't take nO crap... ain't a pretty bOy-tOy...i'll rOck yOu steady, rOugh and ready!!...... sn: budracin8jr
the three herOs in my life.... dale earnhardt, chris lEdoux, and lane frOst. u will never be forgotten.....--fOrever lEdOux... just lE dOux it ----lAne's last rIde... jUly 30, 1989----dAle eArnhArdT... last lap DAYTONA 500 feb 18, 2001--
--C-O-U-N-T-R-Y!--Music Video:
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..--C-O-U-N-T-R-Y!--THE DUKES OF HAZZARD, uRban cOwbOy, dAys Of thUnder, bAd nEws bEars, ladder 49, tOmbstOne, 8 secOnds, O brOther where arnt thOu?, lOrd Of the rings, gOne in 60 secOnds, king aurthur, napOlian dymamite, eurO trip, we were sOldiers, blue cOllar cOmedy tOur, black hawk dOwn, seabiscuit, varsity blues, bEcause ur mine.... I wAlk tHe LiNe the mOvie DAISY DUKE!!
i lOve NASCAR... its my kind Of race! just tO see big E back On the track wOuld put a big smile On my face! general rObert e. lee bO, luke
cant read anyway... PimpYoPage.Com
this gOes Out tO all US sOldiers & USMC pfc aaron pickering KIA in iraq by enemy fire On nOvember 10, 2004. belOved friend and cOusin, may ur dreams live On by all thOse whO knew u a herO's memOrial NEVER FORGET....9-11-01-- --