BOB SOSKO profile picture



About Me

pilgrim, nail-biter. monk, chef. musician, engineer. destroyer, maker. lover, optimist.

My Interests

idle afternoons, early mornings, late nights, sleeping, eating, cooking, biking, writing, playing piano, amerian apparel running shorts, conversation, crying, laughing, sex, drunk yoga, sauna mergers, sauna parties, eating bbq in the sauna, true love, freedom, pain, decompressing, darkness, light, change, and convincing my eight-year-old friend Carlos from the neighborhood that no amount of money could possibly make me sell him my fedora. No se puede, hermanito.

I'd like to meet:

destroyers, makers.


chuck and mary perrin, bonnie prince billy, fennesz, jose gonzales, tom petty


anything by terrence malik. harold and maude. let's have a real conversation about it sometime.


are you fucking kidding me? i can't believe my computer just insulted me by asking me if i like, care about or know anything television. asshole.


yes, i have them. one that really resonated with me was All My Friends Are Going To Be Strangers, by Larry McMurtry. dude wrote Lonesome Dove, too. Oh, and Richard Brautigan. I drove Joseph Heller to and from the airport with my english teacher when i was in high school; he was perhaps the most intelligent and articulate person i've ever met. read Catch 22 if, for some reason, you haven't already.....This profile was edited with Edit Your MySpace


Bill Hicks. Allen Ginsberg. John Muir. Dave Chappelle. Jimmy Page. Diane Arbus. Richard Avedon. Kirk McCall. Marcel Duchamp.