MEDIA CONTACT: #516.298.3633 @
For Business or Booking Purposes Contact her thru MGMT @ [email protected]
For Media Interviews, Photoshoots or Hosting Special Appearance RQSTs in Other Major Cities: Send EMAIL RQSTs or CALL thru my PR Executive REP, CEO Toni-Mateo of PR-Franchize, Inc. @ 516.298.3633!
Height: 5' 6" | Weight: 125 lbs | Measurements: 34B-26-36| Shoe Size: 6 | Hair Color: Light Brown| Hair Length: Long | Eye Color: Brown | Ethnicity: Guess? | Skin Color: Tan
A Nice little Quote for ya!!:
"The best part about searching is finding what you were looking for and it being everything you thought it would be"
In a nutshell I live my life to the fullest. I live it for me and 1 other person...God! Nothing, or no one can break me. I'm a phenomenal woman, something you try to be but can't really pull off. Continue to hate, look at me crazy in the streets, spread rumors about what you THINK you know, come to my page every other day for new pics and updates to see what I'm doing, bump into me at the clubs every wknd on "accident" lmao I'm a lady and carry myself like one at all times. Don't be mad at me for yo man choosing me, or the fact your not happy with yourself, your life, your job or your kids so you hate on the next best thing. i don't entertain bops i island hop...any-who keep it pushing!
I live my life up, glamorous if I do say so myself. I like nice things, very nice things. I love to shop and I dress my ass off. its FAME when me and my girls walk in the room, don't act like you ain't know. haha Im sadiddy, high-maintenenced and picky. I want for nothing, everything I want I have. seriously. Im very independent. I'm only 20 years old, I have all my own shit and a DAMN good job, makin' some DAMN good money. That means I'm on salary, for you broke ass hoes! I dont need my man or your man for shit.
Advice to any upcoming models: Get the fuck out of TEXAS if you wanna make some real money. Half of you birds are just taking pictures, and we all know the wise man once said: It's not who you say you are, but what you do! (LOL). Basically, you bitches need to get on your shit because your not models yet! lol 'If you ain't makin' money, you ain't doing shit.' - Wise words from a confidant! ;-)
My closet is my sanctuary. I have expensive taste, but what can i say? For all you swagga jackin groupies who wanna know where i shop and what stores keep me lookin' A1 (only because I see ya'll stare in the CLUB and talk your CHEAP shit, we all know you bitches dont GOT SHIT...) - I love Marciano, Bebe, Cache, B.C.B.G. and Arden-B. You might even catch me in Dolce&Gabana, Chanel, Coach, or Jimmy Choo. I go in these stores blow 1500 and don't turn back. I'm on to the next store! You broads need to catch up, QUICK.
My life is like a television show, Im a fucking drama queen sometimes but oh fuckin' love it. You tell my business to your moms, ya daddy, and your papi. GEEZ, where do they get these stand up characters? ATTENTION:, HATERS get off deeezzzNUTTZZZZ! mkayyeahTHANKS! I hate a hater. I have a very bad attitude sometimes and I don't mind telling you what i'd stick up your ass. I dont fuck with too many females and I don't have time to play with little kids. Im at a point in my life where I could give two flying fucks how you feel at the end of the day. What you go through or how much you hate me, will not change the fact that Im still gonna do ME tomorrow.
thanks for LISTENING.
and thanks for NOTHING. ;-) hollllaaaa
Gotta give credit when its do
Slim Goody