Give-N-Take profile picture


I Believe the only thing between two people is light

About Me

This profile was edited with MySpace Toolbag Editor

My Interests

Everything I see reminds me of you.

Whenever I do anything I am reminded then too.

I created a dream, I brought you to share.

I fixed up the fantasy, I took us both there.

The beginning was easy, you played into my hand.

The compliments, the flowers, the feeling all grand.

I built it all cleverly one falsehood then one more.

I crafted each step right up to “my” door.

Then when I “had” you the “tales” escalated.

Until one day you came fully sedated.

You now, a toy, a thing with which I play.

Nothing before matters you’ll do whatever I say.

The first game we play will mimic hide and seek.

You can only find the me I show, sophisticated, sleek.

The next game we endure will address only “your’ needs.

Or so it will seem, for truly it is me this feeds.

Now that you think its all about self.

I will put you away like a book on a shelf.

You will be there just long enough to help you remember.

It is me that you serve, I am the great pretender.

It did not take long for me to get you here.

Now I press on and hold you with fear.

The ground work is laid, I despise being nice.

I unmask my cruelty but you’ve thrown your dice.

My ambitions turn to rage as we continue this game.

It is clear you will endure, so I conjure your pain.

This torture will continue, until the day that you die.

The next is already in place, I needn’t tell you goodbye.

I'd like to meet:

real people ... we are all searching for somthing be honest about what you want you just might get it faster.


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Love sounds.... anything new, peaceful, with a beat, or that i can dance to...dont like metal or anything where i cant understand the words (i mean what are they trying to hide)


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Light, in its present form, would kill every single person,
so it is filtered and diluted until reaches us here.

Light gives us means, by which to see, it lets ups see where we stand, and makes our way clear.

Light provides energy in many forms, it heats the earth,
it is the growth medium for all Being.

Light warms the skin, that builds its own protection.
it provides essential vitamins for physical Keying.

Looking straight into the light
will burn the sight of ones eyes.

Feeling the power of Love gets
you through someone’s lies.

Love warms your heart and builds a level of loyalty
that becomes essential for seeing.

Love provides energy for the soul it heals the afflicted
and provides growth for more feeling.

Love gives us power: power to feel, to change,
to grow, and love conquers all fear.

Love in its purest form will consume every person so god filters,
dilutes and makes it clear.

It is only by the grace of god that man can survive pure Love or pure Light!


You Are a Rainbow
Breathtaking and rare
You are totally enchanting and intriguing
But you usually don't stick around long!

You are best known for: your beauty

Your dominant state: seducing What Type of Weather Are You?
Your Brain's Pattern
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. What Pattern Is Your Brain?