~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ profile picture

~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey ya'll my name is Jenna, but everyone calls me Yenna or Jen. I go to Napa Valley College where im going to be takeing Law Enforcement classes. I live in the gay ass town of Napa w/ nuthin to do besides go to Starbucks, smoke,hangout w/ friends and party. After a couple years of skool I plan on joining the Police Accademy to train to become a Police Officer, or SPCA and then i plan to work for the Napa Police Dep for awhile, an then move outa state somewhere out in the country sides. I like to party, and when u party w/ me its pretty enertainning...LOL I raise Pigs, Chickens ,Turkeys and also help out with breeding pigs( Josiah's assistant..lol ). I enjoy to goin huntin ( best place South Dkota ), 4 wheeling, an anything that you can get dirty. I'm not one of thoughs sissy girly girls you meet. I get along better w/ guys, b/c girls these days are too much drama and annouin. So ya i guess you can call me a hick, and im damn proud of it. Cowgirl up !*!*

My Interests

I love the FFA and everyting you do in club.I enjoy hunting, 4 wheeling,cleaning pig pens, basically anything you can get dirty at. I like to hangout with friends and Party Hard All Nite Long Bitches!!!! div

I'd like to meet:

~* People, dosent matter who im an open person*~
Myspace Layouts


~*Well yes im a country girly i luv my Counrty music, i also like rock b/c you can dance/ ROCK out to that. An i luv to dance to TECHNO music its the best !*!*


~* I'll have to say my fav movie is Mean Girls of course*~


~*One Tree Hill is The Best Show Ever, Cause of the One and Only CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY !*!*!*~


~*Fuck books i hate them*~


~* HOSEPH...His my best friend and always there to support me with everthing i do. Diane...shes my best friend an a sister, she makes sure im okae an always there for me *~

My Blog

~* My Lil Hoseph Is Leaving *~

~* Kae well my poor lil cuz Hoseph is leavin for the Bahamas on Sat and i cant see him for a week, depressing. Not only that when he gets back he leaves once again to Nationals for FFA for another cou...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:39:00 PST

~* It's all Over *~

~* I cant believe its already over. Graduation came and it left so fast. The time i walked that stage i felt like everything was leavin me at that time. Starting a new life, friends comin with me and ...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 01:56:00 PST

~* A lil Up Date Ant That Intustin *~

~* Lets see nuthin new really here, just that Cat & TJ left me for Chico this weekend. Josiah left me for Eukia, an then Moriah was bussy doin her thing an then Charlene her mom wont let her go ou...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 06:31:00 PST

~* Gettin Beyond The Horizon *~

~* I got my report card, which im so happy b/c i got the best grades i have ever had, an being the semester part an w/ finals in it. My classes arnt the hardest like AP classes but i dont have the eas...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 01:02:00 PST

~* Winter Break *~

~*  Alrighty well as for winter break its been pretty borin you can say, the nites are pretty shitty when your at home bored an on the computer all nite b/c your friends are bussy. I thought that...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:08:00 PST

~* Is Lifes Still Goin??? *~

~* Well...so far for my senior year its goin all so dandy. Gettin ready for the major end of the semester finals (which sux ). And ya dads being naggin me about gettin another job expecially over brea...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 09:19:00 PST

~* That's Just Wierd *~

~* I guess this year has been goin good, awsome, but then wierd. LIke the person that i absolutly hated and i bitched her out, well like now were talkin. I mean its a good thing now, i jsut cant belei...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 11:43:00 PST

~* Fuckin Christ !*!*!*~

~* OMG i cant believe that fair is like nest week, okae 4 days. Dang and like so bussy tryin to work w/ my pigs, and figure out wat chickens are gunna be entered. It's a bitch. It sux balls to b/c my ...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~* Why Chico Di.....LOL *~

~* As im sittin here thinkin gettin ready for bed, my face mask on i think my best friend is leavin me soon. Countin...... 3 1/2 weeks and shes gone. Depressin that she leaves on the first day of skoo...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~* I Luv Him More Then Word Can Say *~

People ask if I'm in love with youBecause I'm sitting here with your pictureAnd smiling to myselfI'm kinda lost in my own thoughts of youMy heart speaks before my mind thinks throughAnd I blush as I s...
Posted by ~* Im A fOrD kInDa GiRl *~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST