Hello and welcome dear friends to my myspace.. as of lately I have been quite busy offline and have been so called slacking off with my comments..I just want you all to know that I will return soon and it will be back to normal..I hope everyone is well, and I send you all my Darkest of Blessings..
I also forgot to mention one thing.. some dick face has been reporting my myspace page for some time now, and I have no clue as to who it is.. well I'm not going to shrivel up and die.. so he or she must continue dealing with my Dark and Corrupt ways as long as myspace exists.. so ha-ha sticky chin, you can't get rid of me and there will be even MORE to come..
I would like to tell everyone that I have a myspace account for our Ancient Ways Group.. if you would like to join, just send me a message on this account and I will send you a request to ADD ~*~AncientWays~*~..
Please do not harass my friends..