..Mainly, I'm interested in staying alive long enough to get out whatever "it" is inside me that's been pressing on the inside of my skull all these years. And NO it's not a tumor. As far as I know. Maybe I should look into that. I like a lot of things. Here are a few: rich, dark chocolate, coffee, and wine; clever advertising; small birds; nice ankles and hands on women; bamboo; being soaked by warm rain; a proper gin martini; romance; super smart little kids; clean sans-serif fonts; nerdy hip-hop; swearing used sparingly for added punctuation; music, music, and more music; reading in bars; strawberries; super-fine-point pens; fast cars; specific yet nonverbal communication; fast elevators; medium format cameras; self-awareness; bright, intelligent eyes; skydiving; the art and science of graphic design; art books and more art books, writing; mafia movies; photography; food; selecting communications mediums and punctuation style according to the tone of expression inherently conveyed by them; non-traditional printing techniques; the warrior spirit; breathing
I'd like to meet:
I like passionate people, unique people, people with goals, direction, FIRE. People with manners. Class. People who would do their job whether they were paid or not, who go out and find new experience wherever they can, people who READ, who love, who think. People who know their feelings and show them. Life is fun, boring, beautiful and tragic, but all of your experiences make you who you are.
Kosheen, Thievery Corporation, DJ Shadow, Enigma, Son of the Electric Ghost, Interpol, Hatiras, Led Zeppelin, Death Cab For Cutie, Ghostland Observatory, Common, Journey, She Wants Revenge, Infusion, The Faint, The Rapture, The Killers, Ice Cube, LTJ Bukem & MC Conrad, Coldplay, Das Ich, Immortal Technique, Kanye West, Dead Can Dance, Enigma, Portishead, Covenant, Assemblage 23, Apoptygma Berzerk, Erykah Badu, Colony 5, Lightfromadeadstar, NIN, Peanut Butter Wolf, Sade, George Jones, Patsy Cline, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Grandmaster Flash, Dialated Peoples, Deep Dish, Dieselboy, Unkle, Evol Intent, Autechre, Massive Attack, Mozart, Miles Davis, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Lupe Fiasco, Rebirth Brass Band, Benny Benassi, John Digweed, Kraftwerk, DJ Shadow, VnV Nation, Saul Williams, JJ Flores, Sound Republic, The Postal Service, The Beatles, Underworld, Justice, Amy Winehouse, Modest Mouse, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, Miguel Migs, Whitesnake, Metallica
My favorite album of all time is "Unlearn" by Psykosonik, played from start to finish in the right situation. If you have access to a dark room, a comfortable chair, and about 70 minutes, I highly recommend it.
Dark Days, City of God, Band of Brothers, Donnie Darko, Across the Universe, War Photographer,BATTLE ROYALE, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Waking Life, Snatch, Pan's Labyrinth, Fight Club, AND MANY MORE!!
Sopranos, Sex and the City, House, Curb Your Enthusiasm, anything from the Discovery channels, Weeds, Heroes, King of Queens, Arrested Development, Scrubs, CSI, Robot Chicken, Wonder Showzen, Venture Brothers, Family Guy
I like books about graphic design and photography. I also like classic and not so classic 20th century literature. I like the usual stuff guys like me are into...Burroughs, Kerouac, Thompson, Bukowski, Hemingway, Mark Danielewski, left of center stuff. With books and information, I am like a shark, just swimming around, waiting for something new to devour. I know that sounds cheesy but it feels that way. Currently I am reading 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Lighting by David Prakel, Can't Stop Won't Stop by Jeff Chang and when I get stuck in the car, I read excerpts from Gonzo. Trivia: I PWN'd my first grade class big time when my teacher called my mother in to complain, yes complain, that I already knew how to read when I started her class. I guess I got Scout Finched. Yes, this was in the South too. Hell, I was reading the newspaper at 4, lady. You better ask someone.
..James Nachtwey, Adam Carolla, Hunter S Thompson, Teddy Roosevelt, Robert Capa, Martin Luther King, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Salvadore Dali, Auguste Rodin (One hell of a writer btw), Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady, My grandfather, Miles Davis, Voltaire, Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, Horatio Alger, Aaron Burr (Superpimp of the millenium, though a complete and utter cad - Look him up)