First and foremost, I do not have a sucky attitude. I like my attitude just fine, thank you very much, and if you don't like it I don't care. Unless you're the one paying my bills, in which case I care a lot.
I don't blog here. I blog here.
Attention all Friend Requesters: I love you all, truly I do. Unless you're frequently caught in stolen vehicles, or urinating in public. Or doing other things undesireable. Having said that you must know one thing: I don't come here often so if I don't jump all over your friend request don't worry, I'll get to you as soon as I'm done stripping hosers of their personal stability on IDLYITW.
Gerry and Eddie will be getting a thorough beating the next time I see them. No, not that kind of beating. GAWD. What is it with you people and sex?