acorn, aliens, anti-depresants, art, barry in general, black and white, boston, breakfast, corn on the bone, crappy music videos, lobsters, film, good monsters, heather's dad, heidi and peter, losers, love, mailmen, massart, monsters, my dad, nail polish, opposites, peter, photography, raw, robots, roomates, scene points, screaming, slinkies, waiting for my ruca, watermelon, wings, zoloft, zooanimals.
Our Lord and Savior (but not really)
baha ha ha i hate music, no that's a lie, but i'm not going there, i'm mostly a sucker for nerdy music with electronics, But i'm all over the place with music.
The Breakfast Club, Garden state, Edward Scissorhands, Return to OZ, Harriett the Spy, Gummo.
boy meets world, nip tuck, and all the old shows like the golden girls and roseanne.
Angela's ashes, She's come undone, Girl Interupted, Reviving ophielia, The poison wood bible, There's a boy in the girls bathroom, Bridge to teribethia, the Giver, Middlesex, Go ask Alice, I know this much is True
none, that's sad, i don't really look up to anyone...