Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) profile picture

Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May)


About Me

Yo, Stop! Its been a long time coming but here it is! We finally took the time to update this damned thing. We have a brand new album recorded and soon to be released. NEVER LONG GONE! is a glorious clash of two goldenly handcrafted cymbals, mixed with a chorus of tire-iron wielding hobos smashing them mercilessly against alley dumpsters and Rubbermaid trashcans. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did explaining it..doubtful. I also hope that we can see you soon in your nearest hole in the wall, gutter-spludge, snot-rag pub. Bye for now, and CHEERS! Never Give Up, Never Give In!

My Interests


Member Since: 4/27/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Ian Cook- guitar and more,Jamin -vocals and more,Beau - Drums and more,Jesse - Bass and more,
Influences: ALL MUSIC!Music is what keeps us going through thick and thin!
Sounds Like: Come to the show and figure it out for yourself!
Record Label: Stega-Beaver Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Thanks so much to every single person that came to Colby's show on Friday and made it possible! The show was perfect! All the bands were great. Huge thanks to The Confederats for getting back together...
Posted by Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 09:58:00 PST


Colby Brian Smallwood born april 30th 1988, passed away January 6th 2008. A good friend of many and huge music fan. He was at almost every punk show in central oregon for the last 5 years. Our hearts...
Posted by Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:25:00 PST


Hey Friends, Tour has been fucking amazing! We have been on the road for about 2 weeks and are on our way back to the west coast. I am sitting in a library in Albaqureque New Mexico writting this. We...
Posted by Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:28:00 PST


Good Morning,We are in Portland Oregon, its too damn early in morning for this, We are working on our new album and are stoked as we finish it up. We've got a ton of bad ass shows coming up this winte...
Posted by Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 08:01:00 PST


Hey, boys and girls.  if you have any funny, goofy, silly pictures of us playing in your town, or whatever, send them our way and we'll gladly post em on our web page, which by the way i need to ...
Posted by Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:10:00 PST

summer tour

Tour was a blast.  thanks to everyone who helped us out and helped to make it a success.  We are going to be going down south again in November.  WE are going to try to hit Cali, Texas,...
Posted by Larry And His Flask (Never Long Gone! out in May) on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:26:00 PST