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TO THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW CHRIST (or those who used to know Him but no longer serve Him): I REALLY want to talk to you. YOU are why I am here. (Other than to bring glory to Jesus Christ, Who is my primary reason. . . Not just for being on myspace, but my primary reason and ultimate goal for everything in my life.) So, if you don't know Jesus, I want to talk to you. You may ask to be my friend, but, understand that if you have anything on your myspace that is unholy, vulgar, profane, unrighteous, I will not be able to add you as friend, as much as I would like to. But, if you will send me a message, I will reply back to you in a message and I will tell you about Jesus and how He changed my life, and how He can change yours too. God said, " I have loved you with an everlasting love," and then He gave us Jesus. Then Jesus came and He chose to die for YOU. He allowed His blood to be shed to wash away our sins. The peace and the purpose that you seek for, will only be found in Him. The love that you have never felt, the joy you have never had can all be found in Him. Those that knew Christ, the hurt you experienced and the compromise you saw, that was not Him. That was man. Christ will never ever compromise His Word. He will never hurt His children. He loves you, and because He loves you, I love you. I am not here to force my belief in Him on you. I am here to LOVE you. But, since He is my life, if you contact me, expect to hear about Him. Because as far as I am concerned, it is all about Jesus. Hope to hear from you . . . I REALLY want to introduce you to my BEST Friend.
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SURRENDERED2HIM!!! TO THE CHRISTIANS: I love you guys. I don't want to offend you, but I know some of you will be offended by what I am about to say. You may not agree with me (that's definitely your right), but I must follow my convictions and I cannot allow anything on my myspace that would grieve the Holy Ghost or offend a Holy God. So, if you ask to be my friend and you have anything on your myspace that I feel is questionable in any way, as much as I would like to, I will not be able to add you as a friend. (No matter who you are or what ministry you are a part of.) This includes bulletins, blogs, MUSIC, personal interests, pictures, comments, television, etc. You should know better. We are here in this world for one purpose, to be set apart, to be different, to be a witness for Him . . . not to blend in, not to be a mixture. Every action, every word, every thought. . . every breath, every moment of our lives . . . should exalt Christ. So fellow Christians, examine your myspace, search your heart, get rid of the junk. ITS TIME!!!!!!!
FRIENDS: Please don't be offended, but I will not be posting any comments that are just idle chatter. (Soldiers don't have time for idle chatter) So, if you send me a comment that is not a radical prayer or comment involving the advancement of the Kingdom, I will not approve it. I love you, but I love Him more. If you just need to talk to me or want to hear from me, please just send a message, not a comment. I am here to INVADE, not blend in. Lets do it together. MIGHTY WARRIORS ARISE!!!!!!!!!Well, my profile name pretty much says it all. I have chosen to lay down my life for the one that gave His life for me. It is my reasonable service to Him. I love Jesus so much. The Bible says that those who have been forgiven little love little, but those who have been forgiven much, love much. I have been forgiven SO much. So, my life, I give to Him...