L@CEY profile picture


Behind this smile is everything you'll never understand

About Me

PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE BEFORE ADDING ME 47. Knowing - Without taking a step outdoors You know the whole world; Without taking a peep out the window You know the color of the sky.The more you experience, The less you know. The sage wanders without knowing, Sees without looking, Accomplishes without acting.44. Contentment - Health or reputation: which is held dearer? Health or possessions: which has more worth? Profit or loss: which is more troublesome?Great love incurs great expense, And great riches incur great fear, But contentment comes at no cost; Who knows when to stop Does not continue into danger, And so may long endure.
45. Quiet - Great perfection seems incomplete, But does not decay; Great abundance seems empty, But does not fail.Great truth seems contradictory; Great cleverness seems stupid; Great eloquence seems awkward.As spring overcomes the cold, And autumn overcomes the heat, So calm and quiet overcome the world.

My Interests

64a. Care at the Beginning - What lies still is easy to grasp; What lies far off is easy to anticipate; What is brittle is easy to shatter; What is small is easy to disperse.Yet a tree broader than a man can embrace is born of a tiny shoot; A dam greater than a river can overflow starts with a clod of earth; A journey of a thousand miles begins at the spot under one's feet.Therefore deal with things before they happen; Create order before there is confusion.

I'd like to meet:

49. People - The sage does not distinguish between himself and the world; The needs of other people are as his own.He is good to those who are good; He is also good to those who are not good, Thereby he is good. He trusts those who are trustworthy; He also trusts those who are not trustworthy, Thereby he is trustworthy.The sage lives in harmony with the world, And his mind is the world's mind. So he nurtures the worlds of others As a mother does her children.73. Fate - Who is brave and bold will perish; Who is brave and subtle will benefit. The subtle profit where the bold perish For fate does not honour daring. And even the sage dares not tempt fate.Fate does not attack, yet all things are conquered by it; It does not ask, yet all things answer to it; It does not call, yet all things meet it; It does not plan, yet all things are determined by it.Fate's net is vast and its mesh is coarse, Yet none escape it.


64b. Care at the End - He who acts, spoils; He who grasps, loses. People often fail on the verge of success; Take care at the end as at the beginning, So that you may avoid failure.The sage desires no-desire, Values no-value, Learns no-learning, And returns to the places that people have forgotten; He would help all people to become natural, But then he would not be natural.


Comedies, drama, pop culture teeny bopper flicks, independent films and mushy love movies.


67. Unimportance - All the world says, "I am important; I am separate from all the world. I am important because I am separate, Were I the same, I could never be important."Yet here are three treasures That I cherish and commend to you: The first is compassion, By which one finds courage. The second is restraint, By which one finds strength. And the third is unimportance, By which one finds influence.Those who are fearless, but without compassion, Powerful, but without restraint, Or influential, yet important, Cannot endure.


15. Enlightenment - The enlightened possess understanding So profound they can not be understood. Because they cannot be understood I can only describe their appearance:Cautious as one crossing thin ice, Undecided as one surrounded by danger, Modest as one who is a guest, Unbounded as melting ice, Genuine as unshaped wood, Broad as a valley, Seamless as muddy water.Who stills the water that the mud may settle, Who seeks to stop that he may travel on, Who desires less than may transpire, Decays, but will not renew.


My Blog

Thank You

I just have to say THANK YOU to the universal powers and every being that has kept me in their thoughts throughout this process and onward. I am so unbelievably blessed and incredibly grateful for all...
Posted by L@CEY on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 05:00:00 PST

(IJ) 8-63 - Reflections on effort

Reflections on effort The anxious student asked the Zen master how long to enlightenment. The Zen Master answered a long time, at least 10 years. The student said, "Well I will work twice as hard." T...
Posted by L@CEY on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST

Higher Awareness (IJ) 8-61 - Go for what you want

Go for what you want "Follow your bliss." -- Joseph Campbell It’s hard for some of us to believe that the world is served when we seek our own happiness. We’ve been taught that this is ...
Posted by L@CEY on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:45:00 PST


Seven Secrets of a Joyful Life. Wayne Dyer's Feel Good GuideExcerpt from Family Circle Magazine by Glenn Paskin You need to take time to get quiet, to go within.How do we create the li...
Posted by L@CEY on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 06:32:00 PST


After A LOT of hard work it is finally here and bad as f#@k! Hope you guys like it. Enjoy! Click the link below to watch! http://www.newlineagefilms.com/movies/BallersTrailer.wmv...
Posted by L@CEY on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:34:00 PST

Once upon a lonley Sunday

You Are a Dreaming Soul Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time You have great dreams and ambitions that could...
Posted by L@CEY on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 05:11:00 PST


I just got the greatest mail delivery EVER!!! My amazing friend in Buffalo, NY sent me some bootleg high quality live shows of RADIOHEAD!!! I have to show my appreciation and say Z...I FUCKIN LOVE YOU...
Posted by L@CEY on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:30:00 PST

Its long, but worth reading... (Thanks Aric!!!)

Ripped from Suki ~ "Your Awakening"A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside yo...
Posted by L@CEY on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:10:00 PST


Change is inevitable,But yet we fight it, just the same.Change is essential to our evolution.Change is going to happen,In fact, it happens every day,Maybe it is too small to see, or perhaps we wou...
Posted by L@CEY on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:37:00 PST


Well I haven't posted a blog in a while because my mind has been going in a million directions but...tonight I am chillin', drinkin some beers, downloading so music (shhhh don't tell) and I just wante...
Posted by L@CEY on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 06:01:00 PST