J.W. profile picture


Victory at all costs, Victory in spite of terror, Victory however long and hard the road may be, For

About Me

found this fantasy layout at
Wassup Guys... Thanks for Visiting my Site. I'm not really much of a person to talk about myself but well try it out. Every day I'm learning more about myself. I've been told by my freinds that I am very laid back and its very difficult to anger me. I'm not an aggressive person but at the same time I do not like to be backed into a corner and with this in mind my bite can be fatal if provoked.
On the flipside.. I'm Deffinetly a social person. SOCIAL INTERACTION IS A BIG ONE FOR ME. I've never really been one to be a blunt asshole but if you want my opinion of something dont expect me to tell you what you want to hear. I'm as truthful as they come. Big on respect to myself as well as others. Treat me as well as you would like to be treated and DONT MISTREAT OTHERS -- This has a tendency to PISS......... ME...... OFF
In all honestly I love to antagonize. If I dont give you a hard time this probobly means that 1. I dont like you... or 2. I just dont know you.. HUMOR KEEPS ME SANE!! At the same time when it comes to someone antagonizing me I'm virtually indestructable. My life has been too rough and is too short to let somoene who is shallow or narrow minded break me down. My life experiences have molded me into who I have become. OPEN MINDED PEOPLE ARE MORE THAN WELCOME AROUND ME!!
HAVING FUN IS NOT ONLY A PRIORITY FOR ME BUT A LIFESTYLE. Even if I'm going down in flames, Ill be going down with a smile. Deffinetly an optimist. IF YOU ARE AN UNGREATFUL PERSON PLEASE LEAVE MY PAGE NOW!!! I live with no regrets taking one step at a time. Every day is a new day and I contol every step of the future. There is a certain spot within myself that noone can touch-Everything I stand for-Everything I AM. I'm spur of the moment with everything. I like a fast paced chaotic life and If there were an award for biggest procrastinator I would hold the title. I lack sanity at times but for my family as well as my freinds this just "keeps life interesting" Lastly Im not a perfect person nor do I claim to be. Perfection is a myth created by simple minded shallow individuals with no soul in an effort to force those with true potential to forget who they are.. Once again I make mistakes daily much like every other walking breathing, living, human being. God knows where I stand so thats all that matters. Overall this is what I have learned about myself.
Much Love and Respect to all...
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world; there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure about you.
We were all meant to shine as children ... it is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear. Our presence automatically liberates others."

My Interests

MUSIC- Deffinetly not what I DO but a lifestyle

ART- Our way of expressing who we are or what we think without saying anything (LOVE PEN AND INK)

POETRY/LYRICAL EXPRESSION- Its amazing to see just how powerful and impactful words can be when they are precisely placed and maneuvered.

WAR- The Holocaust along with WWII Fascinate Me

HISTORY- I Love anything that has to do with the early 1920's and 30's including the Great Depression. Those were times when people truly stood up for what they believed in and didn't let the government push them around.

PSYCHOLOGY- Fascinated with how the mind works.

SOCIOLOGY- Just how much will we conform and give up our rights..

TRAVEL- Visiting New places is deffinetly a plus

I'd like to meet:

God, My Grandfather, Martin Luther King Jr,Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Jim Braddock, Andrew Scwabb, Zach De La Rocha, and Tom Morello


Project 86, Rage Against the Machine, Hatebreed, Killswitch Engage, Clutch, Johnny Cash(HUGE FAN)


Roger and Me, Cinderella man, Radio, Rudy, Remember the Titans,300


Is propaganda that destroys our youth one day at a time.


Book of Mathew, Joseph, Job, and Joshua (HOLY BIBLE) We caught you plotting murder by Adrew Schwabb, Bartletts words to live by (GOOD STUFF), Terror attacks


My Grandmother... Lelah Highben may she rest in peace. Everything she stood for was honest and true. Everyday there is a huge basis for the decisions I make that come from her influence and guidance that she gave me. I loved her very much and every breathing moment is just one more second that I feel lost without her. Someday well meet again..

My Blog

UPDATE FOR J.DUBBS- as of Aug 4th, 2007

Wassup guys.... Been  awhile since I've done the Myspace thing.  This summer has been absolutely crazy so without a doubt myspace has been like last priority for me. Bottom line.  Life...
Posted by J.W. on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 11:33:00 PST

SYMPATHIZE THE FALLEN - Poetry/Lyrical Expression

Sympathize the Fallen Jeremy J. Wright   SYMPATHIZE THE FALLEN Simplicity is a form of Diversity And Diversity is Freedom of Imagination And  a world without Diversity Is reality Filled of D...
Posted by J.W. on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:19:00 PST


  COSHOCTON - The Christmas trees may be down, but that doesn't mean it's time to stop giving presents, especially to our troops overseas. "It's a sign that they are not all alone," said Mary An...
Posted by J.W. on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 11:34:00 PST


  So ....... For the longest time I havent written one of these due to the fact that I have been so busy.  Lately Ive found myself coming into the same old habits of being the Nightowl that ...
Posted by J.W. on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:29:00 PST


Once again its another late night and Im sittin up late looking back on my life as a whole and brianstorming about the usual.  If I Can Ill try to make this short.  What is "growing Up" hone...
Posted by J.W. on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:13:00 PST


      So its another early morning and while the whole world sleeps here I am again thinking to myself about the world in particular again.   This is getting to...
Posted by J.W. on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 12:44:00 PST


    First of all Im not trying to be dramatic becuase honestly this is a bit childish and deffinetly a waste of my time but anyways, here it is please read.  Once again the vindict...
Posted by J.W. on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:19:00 PST


So Once again its another late night.  Not as late as usual but i should be sleeping and I have a thousand thoughts going through my head.  One thing I can say is that Ive always been thankf...
Posted by J.W. on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 09:32:00 PST


WHO I AMI think for the most part who you are is determined by who you were raised by.  In my case Ive been raised by a multitude of people. My mom, My dad, My grandmother, Aunts and Uncles, and ...
Posted by J.W. on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:49:00 PST

Random Jibberish .....Props for my buddy JOELE

      Im kind of weird I guess...      Its crazy actually.  While Everyone else sleeps in the middle of the night.  Im always up thinki...
Posted by J.W. on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:42:00 PST