~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] profile picture

~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR]

Taking a break after a great loss... will be back soon.

About Me

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu" (Al-Baqarah:216)
Usah gelisah apabila dibenci manusia, kerana masih banyak yang menyayangimu di dunia tapi gelisahlah apabila dibenci Allah kerana tiada lagi yang mengasihmu diakhirat."
Dipetik dari : Edris Demont

I'm a simple person who live not so simple live. Well, life itself is complicated right?:-) I like to socialise. I always think that I'm a shy person but many of my friends call me a social butterfly! Woot woot! :-P I can make friends very easily with anyone. However, I do know who my real friends are... :-)

Friends are very important to me coz I will be 'lice dead' without friends :-P. I have a positive attitude towards life and are very open minded (hehehe). Happy go lucky and I live my life to the fullest! My Motto : Life is too short, so why waste it? No drama, OK? :P

My Interests

I like meeting with friends from all over the world :-)

Circle of friends!

I have many other interest. My main interest are


Interior Design and


Besides that, I like to travel! So far I have travel everywhere in Peninsular Malaysia and


I love the east coast islands especially

Pulau Perhentian. I had also travel to


Indonesia (Bali, Jakarta, Bandung), Brunei (B.S.Begawan),

Thailand (Hadyai, Bangkok), China (Beijing),

India (New Delhi, Agra),

Pakistan (Lahore, Karachi),

Jordon (Amman, Jerash, Petra),

England (London, Oxford, Bristol, Isle of White),

France (Paris),

Holand (Amsterdam, Rotterdam)

and Belgium (Brussels).

Just come back from Pulau Perhentian and got my PADI open water diving Cert. Woohoo!

My lattest oversea trip is Chiang Mai, Thailand. I will fly there on 29th of March 2008. Will be there until 31st of March (hopefully). In April, there are plans to go to Taman Negara. In May, I'll be back in Perhentian to do my diving refresher course. This is going to be my 15th visit to Perhentian. I'm looking for 'travel leg' (ada saper saper nak ikut? Ticket AirAsia kan murah sekarang)) :-P

Other activities I like to do are


Snorkling, Archery, Singging and Dancing.

I'd like to meet:

Diving friends - Perhentian
Everyone can be my friend! But before you add me just remember this, do not put a pre-requisite to friendship. Take me as I am and I am not perfect and I will accept you the way you are. And I'm not stupid either. So, don't start preaching me how friends should behave. Hehehe. And I don't add 'fake' profile with no real photo or data about the owner either. I do go trough my friend's profile if I'm free. Otherwise add me - [email protected]

And after you add me, please go trough my profile first before start messaging me asking petty questions (it irate me sometimes when people ask me about my age and my work eventough I had clearly state it here). Oh ya, another thing, I'm not a teenager who chat on SMS or MySpace msg. I don't respond to msg like "hi", "smekom", "leh kenal?" etc. Please write me a proper message! Otherwise, drop a cute comment on my page or my photos. I like that very much. Hehehe... Do not be upset if I don't reply tough. If you want to get to know me better, come hang out with me and my friends. I don't have problem with that! Woohoo!

[ myHOTTEZ ]


Music background ni courtesy of ~Mattkicjr~! Thanks!


I like all kind of music that are kind to the ears. Hehehe. That will rule out metal trash and techno, I guess :-P. I don't even mind dangdut (not the hardcore javanese dangdut tough). As a Johorean (Muorian to be exact), ghazal and zapin are also among my favourite tunes. I like to listen to life band performance. I also like to go Karaoke with friends. I think I have a pretty gud voice (x qari le katakan:-P). Anyone want to chalenge me? Hehehe...

Love to dance! Errr... not that gud tough. Definately can't do the belly dancing!

Wanted very much to learn salsa!

Lately had been tuning to RIMA radio station (oh, they change it name to Klassik FM) and Best 104 (age is catching up!).

"The Breaktrough", playing at Broadway, Time Square Hotel Lobby Lounge.


I don't watch movie a lot (well not la every week). Last movie I watch was 'The Hitchiker guide to the Universe' @ Nokia starlite cinema. Other recent movies I watched are Phantom of the Opera, Sahara and Madagaskar. Were OK, I think. Favourite all time movies are probably Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, The English Patient, Indiana Jones (all 3) and Antara dua Darjat (come to think of it, all P. Ramlee movies!). Again, looking for 'movie leg' to watch together gether. Oh ya, watch 'SEPET'! Great movie! Better than Puteri Gunung Ledang I think, in terms of it's storyline.

Looking for PGL @ Ledang summit!

I was so happy when I got to visit the site where they did the last scene in the Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade. It was awesome! Naik kuda lagi. Hehehe

If not like Indiana Jones pun, ada gaya Lawrence of Arabia tak?:-P


I only watch short programme, cartoons (Simpson, Futurama, Doraemon and Crayon Sinchan)and sitcoms. And music videos. And the News... if its not too depressing...


I like to read books by Khalil Gibran, Karim Raslan and Rehman Rashid. Not into reading mushy novels.


My late father n Tun M

My hero and me.

My Blog

Hari Raya Open House 2008

HELLO FELLOW MySpaceans!I hope this is not too last minute. Although been thinking of having it since the first day of Raya while traveling to Penang, but like always only now got to post it here. I w...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 01:16:00 PST

My mother

Assalamu'alaikum and salam sejahteraMy dear friends, It is with heavy heart that I share this news of the demise of my beloved mother Hjh Habibah Bte. Hj Abd. Ghani, who was so called so suddenly to r...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 04:38:00 PST

’Level Four Boys’: Damaging bane for PM Abdullah?

An interesting and eye opening article I receive in one of my mailing list. Need sometimes for me to digest its contest. Anyway, I think I would like to share this piece of opinion with whoever drop b...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:35:00 PST

Tun Mahathir

Copied from Supporter of Tun Mahathir facebook. Since Tun is my hero, I would like to share this campaign with all of you. I know, maybe many of you disagree with some of Tun’s action while...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

Me and My Name

I’m a very simple person. My name is taken from one of the attribute of Allah - Al Mulk. TERJEMAHANNYA SURAH AL-MULK : Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang. 1. Mah...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:35:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Family tree online - Family photos...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 06:16:00 PST

Happy New Year 2008!

*May it brings greater happiness, wealth, health,success and safety to u n ur family...*   ~Muhi~...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 12:12:00 PST

Hari Raya makan makan!

HELLO FELLOW MYSPACEAN!I hope this is not too last minute. Altough been thinking of having it since the first day of Raya while travelling in Alexandria, but like always only now got to post it here. ...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 02:49:00 PST

Last night in Egypt

Tonight will be my last night in Egypt! My flight to Dubai from Alexandria's Burj Al Arab Airport will be at 1.00pm. Tomorrow I will be joining my new found friends here in Alexandria for the Hari Ray...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 02:00:00 PST

Reporting from Alexandria!

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb dan salam sejahtera.Alhamdulillah, saya dah sampai di Iskandariah, Mesir, di pinggir Laut Mediteranean ni. Semalam hampir hampir miss my flight. Tulah, kerja kat opis belambak. ...
Posted by ~Muhi~ [theBACHELOR] on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 01:52:00 PST